Familar faces

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Ashton's POV

Calum, Mikey and I were sprawled around the recording studio, Luke was late for recording. Luke was always the one who made us be ready on time for things like this. He said we are lucky to have been given an opportunity like this and we shouldn't act like we don't care. So, this was a definite first for him. All three of us had rang him multiple times, but his phone was either dead or turned off, because it didn't even ring. "Maybe he's with that mystery girl of his. You know the one he pretended was his mum?" I laughed. The boys nodded eagerly. "Why cant he just tell us who it is? I know he's never had a serious girlfriend before,but c'mon we're his best mates. You think he would at least tell us who it is." Suddenly, Calum's phone rang. "Hey guys, its Liz." Calum answered it and immediately his complexion paled. "Mhm, yeah. Yeah of course. We are coming now. We love you." Calum ended the call and ran a shaking hand through his hair. "Cal? What's happened?" Michael asked quietly.

"Its, its L-Luke. He's been in a car accident." He whispered. "Fuck, oh my god,is he okay?" Michael asked.

"Liz wouldn't say,she just said to get to the hospital as soon as possible." We all nodded and began frantically grabbing our stuff and leaving the studio. We all ran to the car that was waiting for us outside and told him to go to the hospital. Whilst we drove down the busy streets to the busy hospital, we all shook in anticipation of what we would find at the hospital.


As we ran through the hospital to find the accident and emergency unit, our minds raced,a loud ringing piercing my ears. Finally, we got to the reception and we ran past the irritated queue of people. "Luke Hemmings. Where is he?" I asked the receptionist. "I'm sorry gentlemen, but there is a queue. If you wait your turn, I will be with you shortly." She replied briskly, turning her head to look at the person behind us. "Just fucking tell us where he is!" I shouted loudly, causing everyone in the reception to look at me worriedly. "Excuse me, this is a hospital. If you cannot conduct yourself correctly I will have no choice but to have you escorted off the premises." She told me coldly. This only angered me further. "Do you not f-" I was ready to scream in the ignorant girls face, but Calum grabbed my arm and pulled me away. Pulling my arm roughly from his grasp, I sent him daggers, only causing him to roll his eyes. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice and apparently so did the boys, as all our heads turned to find the owner of the voice. "Ben!" Michael shouted. Ben jogged over to us and tried to give us a small smile,but his red eyes told us he wasn't in a joyful mood. "Hey guys. We are so glad you came, mum was stressing that she hadn't told you straight away." He told us,leading us through some doors and along a corridor. We stopped in front of a set of double doors and grimaced when we read the ICU sign that hung above them. "Guys,I don't want to lie to you,it isn't great right now. He's doing better,but he isn't out of the woods yet. He's breathing on his own now,but he's still unconscious. There's a lot of tubes and it can be a bit scary,but most of them are just for normal things,his sats,a drip,one monitoring his blood pressure... Anyway,let's go in." Ben told us,pushing open the doors and leading us inside. "You have to put hand sanitiser on when entering or leaving here. Any exposure to bacteria can really effect him." He informed us,causing us all to splash the clear liquid into our hands and massage it in. As we were to led to Luke's hospital room,we all tried to calm ourselves.

Soon,Ben pushed open another door and we were faced with a body...Luke's body. Tubes ran across his body and embedded themselves in his skin. Bruises and cuts were painted across his delicate skin like veins, no part of his skin untainted. Machines beeped quietly in the echoing silence. I felt a lump in my throat rise and I had to blink back the tears. Liz's head turned she ambled over,hugging us all. "I'm so glad you are here. I think Luke has been waiting for his best mates to come before he wakes up." She whispered. Her usual sparkling eyes were dull and swollen and her smile was strained. "What happened?" Calum asked. Her face dropped and she looked worriedly at Ben and Jack, whom appeared to be dosing off. "We don't really know,they were both unconscious when we got here-" Ben nudged her. "Who's 'they'?" Mikey and asked,getting in there before me. "She meant him,didn't you mum?" Liz nodded wearily. "She's just tired,I'm gonna take her for a walk okay guys? Give you some time with Luke. If anything changes ring us,we won't be long." Ben guided his mum swiftly out of the room. Jack followed. I sat down in the chair next to Luke's bed, Calum took the other comfy chair,whilst Michael sat on one of the uncomfortable, plastic chairs. "Hey mate. It's us we are here. You can wake up now." I tried joking, but my voice cracked.

"Yeah c'mon Luke." Mikey urged. We waited,hoping for a miracle. But it never came.

Soon, Liz came back with Andrew,whilst Ben and Jack were no where to be seen. "Where has Ben and Jack gone?" Calum asked,standing up to shake Andrew's hand. "Um,they-" liz was interrupted when a doctor strode in. "Hello again Mr and Mrs Hemmings. Luke's body is responding well to the drugs we have given him and SATS are slowly rising, which is a very good sign. A nurse will be in shortly to pot his wrist up. The chest drain seems to have also decreased the size of the clot he had. However, his blood pressure is slowly decreasing,which can sometimes be a sign of internal bleeding, but we will have to wait for his scan results before we can be certain." The doctor informed us. "Why didn't you tell us how bad it was?" I growled. "We forgot okay, we've been running around trying to sort everything out and he's doing better, so it doesn't matter now." Liz snapped. And Liz never snaps. "Sorry..." I whispered and Liz merely nodded. Suddenly, the door flew open and an exhausted looking Jack burst in. "Mum we need you now." He gasped and Liz's face paled. Michael, Calum and I all looked at each other in confusion. "What's happening?" Calum asked. Liz got up out of her chair and left without answering us. Jack looked at us sympathetically. What was going on?

"Guys we will explain later we promise. I'm sorry I need to go." He got up and left the room. Michael, Calum and I stared at each other in confusion and anger.


We all waited around for hours, watching Luke's chest rise and fall. His SATS were improving minute by minute and we just had to wait. And by 'we' I actually mean Michael, Calum and I. Liz, Jack, Ben and Andrew still hadn't returned. Suddenly, shouting echoed in the hall and our attention turned to the ruckus outside. The metal door swung open and revealed a tired looking, heavily pregnant girl. A large cut trailed along her pale skin and a white caste was present on her left leg. Her big brown eyes connected with my hazel ones and I gasped...


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Hello people. I'm so sorry for not updating, I have been so busy with school work lAND I had complete writers block in relation to this chapter.

Hope it's okay. Positive and negative feedback welcome!

An Ashton Irwin Pregnancy story: left alone with your beautiful mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now