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2 weeks later

I hadn't heard from Luke since the night we argued and I was beginning to realise how harsh I'd been. I sent him a quick text.

Me: hey,I'm really sorry. I was a total bitch...I miss you and so is junior😃 please text me back,let me know you're okay x

I sighed,I always ended up pushing everyone away. I didn't know what I could do to make it up to him.

I was sat watching shitty day time TV,trying to complete another assignment for school when an idea popped into my head. Luke could be my baby's godfather. He'd love it. But I need two sets of godparents... I hauled my huge body up from the couch and grabbed my phone. "Hi Ben,I was wondering if you could help me with something? If you aren't busy of course." "Hi Ava. Of course,be over in 10!"
"Okay,thanks,see you then!" Soon,I heard a knock on the door and Ben appeared. "Hey!" I hugged him. "So what's up?" He came in and we sat down on the couch. "Well,I want to ask certain people to be the godparents,but I want it to be special,so I was thinking maybe you could help? If you to get them out of the house for a few hours and then come back together it would be a massive help.." He nodded eagerly. "Course,when?" "Um,tomorrow? Could you also help me get the stuff I want for it." "Okay,where do you want to go?" "Somewhere I can get a picture enlarged,then somewhere I can get string,card,some fabrics and some fabric pens."
"I think I know a place for both,c'mon!"

After we got back from our shopping trip I slumped down on the sofa,being pregnant was the most tiring thing in the world. But I refused to let myself go to bed at 7:45. So,I got up and grabbed the bags from the coffee table. I got out the A2 print out of my scan and laid it out on the table. I began to cut out a frame from card and stuck it around the photo. By this point I was getting tired,the baby seemed to be pushing on my rib cage,making me out of breath all the time. But I carried on,cutting out the fabric into letters,spelling out Luke's and Liz's name and sticking them to the top line of the border. I drew dummies and teddies and other blue baby things on the sides of the border (my art skills finally coming in useful). I only had the letters for the question to cut out when my phone vibrated on the sofa arm. Heaving myself up from the floor,I grabbed my phone and saw a blocked number ringing me. "Hello?" I spoke quietly. The echoing sound of whispers rang in my ears. Putting the phone down and dropping my phone on the ground I groaned. "Fucking prick." Suddenly,my eyes wandered to the clock and I was shocked. It was 10:30. I walked to my room,climbed into bed and fell to sleep right away.


Rolling over in my bed,my phone rang out on my bedside table,causing me to groan. Wearily,I grabbed it and answered. "Hello?" I mumbled. "Hey Ava, it's Ben. What time were you thinking of coming over today to set up? They said they will be out at a meeting from like 2 till 5 so shall I pick you up at like 2?" Shit. I'd completely forgotten about our plans for today. "Um,yeah,yeah sure. I'll be ready for 2. What time is it?" His laughter rang in my ears. "You just woke up didn't you?" He laughed. "Mmm.." I looked at the time. 12:03pm. "Shit. Yeah I'll be ready. I'm gonna get a shower,I'll see you then!" "Okay,see you soon!" I put the phone down and heaved myself out of bed,my ginormous stomach weighing my small frame down as usual. I got a shower,rushing to be ready,which is hard with a baby growing in side of you if you didn't know. They just made me tired having to stand and wash myself,well attempt to wash myself. I could barely get to most places. Soon,I was in my kitchen,hair dripping,chewing on a piece of toast scrolling down my twitter feed bored. The same old bullshit. I sighed,throwing my phone on the sofa and going to dry my hair.

2pm soon came and there was a loud knock on my door. I unlocked it and let Ben in happily. "Hey Ava, how are you today?" "I'm good,I'm just nervous about this whole 'godparent' thing y'know?" I told him. He grabbed the box with all the stuff in it,and I grabbed my bag,locking my door behind me. We made our way to the car,Ben putting my designs in the boot and driving us to his house. When we got there we got inside,putting my stuff on the dining table and getting to work.


Luke's POV

My mum and I had just spent the day in Sydney for a meeting about the next tour dates. We got back to the house at around 6. "Luke grab the box from the boot please sweetie." My mum called. I got it and followed my mum inside the house. Suddenly,my mum stopped in front of me and I fell in to her. "Woah mum,what's up?" She looked up and I followed her gaze to the blue string hanging from the ceiling. "What the-?" I noticed a note connected to the string. It said 'follow me'. I dropped the box to the floor and stared at the note. I looked to my mum and she nodded,so we followed it. The next note led us through the kitchen and said 'I know we haven't met yet'. What the hell was going on right now. I soon noticed a next note that read 'but I know I'm going to love you both'. This was getting weird as fuck. Mum stepped ahead pulling at another note. 'And I don't know how to ask you this but." Suddenly,the conservatory doors swung open to reveal Ava and Ben standing next to a life size sonogram picture that had the caption 'Luke and Liz,will you be my godparents?'

Ava's POV

Liz and Luke just stood there in shock and I couldn't help but laugh along with Ben. "So,will you? Please?" I noticed Liz's eyes beginning to well up and I felt myself getting emotional. These damn hormones. "Liz please?" I pleaded.

"Oh my God,of course Ava!" She cried and pulled me in for a hug. Luke just stood there with his mouth hanging open,staring at the sonogram. "You're gonna catch flies soon Luke." I giggled and he looked up at me suddenly. "It would mean so much to me Luke. You have been my rock through all of this,I couldn't have done it without you. I want you to be an important part of my baby's life...please say something." "Wow-I-oh-erm." He kept stuttering. "Is that a yes?" I laughed. He nodded. A massive grin appeared on his face and I started crying. "Thank you so much,this means so much to me Luke!" I said as he wrapped his broad arms around me. "No,thank you. This is freakin amazing! I'm a godfather!" He shouted and we all laughed. "This is really good,how did you do all this?" Liz asked. "Ava really is a wonder isn't she? Just came up with all these ideas and just did it." Ben smiled. "I couldn't have done it without you though Ben,there was no way I was lugging all this stuff around in my condition!" We all went and sat down on the couch/sofas. Luke sat next to me and his fingers traced along my belly slowly. Liz had gone to make some tea and Ben was already say comfortably watching some shitty day time TV. "This is amazing Ava,thank you." He smiled at me. "Thank you for saying yes..I'm sorry for being a bitch. I was wrong,I'd like to blame it on the hormones but honestly,I'm just stubborn!" He laughed. "Yeah,yeah you are a bit. But we both are. Wonder if the baby will grow up and have your stubbornness." He joked. "I hope not or I will never get my own way again." Luke leaned over and hugged me again. I wrapped my arms around him and put my head in his shoulder. "I'm sorry Ava, I've been such a dick." Like whispered. I pulled away from him and grabbed his hands. "Don't ever say that. He is your friend and you just want what's best for us both,I get that. I should never have shouted at you like I did. All you've done is help me and I acted like such an ungrateful bitch. I need you Luke." I told him. I'd felt so awful since we had that argument and I wanted him to forgive me. "But this is your decision,and whatever you decide I will be there for you...and Junior." He laughed. "So,forgiven?" I smiled. "Forgiven."

Liz shouted for me,so I stood up and turned quickly to Luke. "And for the record,he isn't actually being called Junior." I laughed and left him.

Two parts published at once! This chapter is a bit longer than the last so hope it makes up for it...

-who thinks Ava was right to make Luke and Liz godparents?
-Yay Ben is finally in the story!
-Any suggestions on actual names for baby Irwin?

As always comments are welcome, positive or negative

Love you all

An Ashton Irwin Pregnancy story: left alone with your beautiful mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now