Laughter before the darkness

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Their was a loud banging on my door. Turning over I groaned when I looked at the clock. 7:38am. Who the hell was knocking at this time? Pulling myself reluctantly out of bed, I waddled to the door, unlocking it. "Hey Aves." Luke smiled. "Mmm, Luke do you know what time it is?" I grumbled, stepping back to let him in. "I'm sorry I just got back from America and I hadn't seen you in ages. I couldn't wait."

"Luke you saw me last week." I smiled. He shrugged and sat down on my sofa, whilst I began making us tea. "Anyway, how's my gorgeous best friend and my beautiful godson doing?" He asked. I brought over the tea and sat down next to him. "We're amazing. Luke,I got a new job." I grinned. "What? That's amazing Ava! Where?" I began to tell him all about that night with John and then my conversation with Angela. As I told him,his eyebrows furrowed and he frowned. "Luke,what's wrong?" He sighed and grabbed my hand.

"Ava, do you not think this is a bit odd? This random guy in a bar offers you a job? Without knowing about any of your qualifications? You don't think this is all a bit weird?" I pulled my hands away from his and sat back. "What are you saying?" I asked. "You're a gorgeous girl, maybe he realised how vulnerable you were right now..." He paused.

"Luke, you're the one saying I needed a different job and that the bar wasn't safe, but when a CEO of a worldwide company asks me to become his assistant, with flexible hours, yes I was a bit hesitant. But do you really think I'd take a job without looking in to my boss first, or his company. I cannot believe you think I'd put myself and my son at risk like that Luke." I said to him, the resentment in my voice clear.

"Of course I don't, but I just thought maybe you would do anything to give your son the best life possible, maybe forgetting about the formalities." He said. I tutted at him, then gave him a quick smile to reassure him I wasn't mad. He sent me one back and I cuddled into him. His hand found its way to my belly and began circling against my expanding abdomen. Suddenly,I felt the baby's foot against my skin, doing painless kicks against my skin and Luke's hand. He was kicking. "Oh my god!" I squealed. Luke's face lit up as his godson harshly kicked. "This is so amazing..." Luke whispered. I put my hand on top of Luke's. I looked up at Luke,only to see his face now angered. "What's wrong?" I asked him,pulling away slightly. "He should be here." He muttered. "Who should?" I questioned him, I had no idea what had just happened. He stood up. "Him. Ashton. This should be him, feeling his son kick, watching him grow. Why the fuck would he want to miss this?! How could he leave you to do this alone?" I could see his anger was only growing, so I heaved myself up and toddled over. I grabbed his large hands in mine and leant myself up against him. "Luke, please stop this. I love that you care about us, but you can't get angry about it anymore. Or, you'll end up being a bitter old man who can't let the past go. I'm over it, it's done. I have you, my son, your mum, dad and brothers. I don't need him." I pulled him back to the sofa and made him sit down. "How can you say you don't need him? You're a 17 year old single mum. How can you be so strong?" He asked. Hm. "I have to be." I told him bluntly. "You deserve someone who can give you everything Ava, along with your son. He deserves the world." He told me sincerely. 'Yeah and I can give him that. All on my own."


After a few hours of lazing around watching CSI, Luke and I decided to go out for lunch at the new restaurant that had just opened around the corner. I dressed casually in my floral trousers,a jumper and a necklace. My brown hair was scraped back in to a messy bun and I didn't bother with makeup, I was nearly 8 months pregnant I had no one to impress. Luke helped me into his SUV, climbed in then began driving. We both sang along to the radio, laughing away. 5 Seconds Of Summer's song 'Don't Stop' came off and we both giggled,my son kicking away in my belly.

The other car came out of nowhere.

We collided. The heavy metal smashing against each other and our violent screams mixed intensely, as we were pushed on our side.


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Omg what is going to happen?

Keep reading,love you guys

An Ashton Irwin Pregnancy story: left alone with your beautiful mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now