Mystery girl

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I left the hospital and got in the car,ringing Luke as soon as I sat down. Eventually he answered. "Hey Ava, what's wrong? Is it the baby?" His voice became higher as he spoke. "No,it's nothing bad.." "Thank god. What's up then?" He asked. I breathed in. "I'm having a boy." I told him,my whole face glowing with happiness. "What? What! A boy? It's a boy! Oh my god Aves, congratulations." He shouted. "Thanks Luke,sorry if you were busy. I should have text instead.." "Shut up its fine I'm more bothered about you and my little nephew! Um,have you had any texts from Ashton recently?" His voice stiffened. "Yeah,he told me I need to get my stuff out of his apartment or its getting put in the trash. Nice huh?" I heard him sigh. "Yep. Did you mention anything about the baby? He's been in a very shit mood since this morning-" "Yeah,I told him I was having a scan,don't even know why I told him it was stupid." I murmured. "Hey,don't blame yourself. How did he react anyway?" "Badly,still thinks it isn't his. Not much I can do is there,I've tried telling him,but he doesn't believe me." "How can he even think that-" Luke stopped and I heard him talking to someone on the other end of the phone. "Who are you talking too?" It was Calum. "My mum." I heard laughter in the background. "Your mum? We just saw her,she's just got back to the hotel. OH MY GOD,is it a girl? Mikey,Ash come here Luke's on the phone to a girl!" Calum shouted and I froze. "Calum shut up it isn't a fucking girl-hey get off my phone!" Luke shouted,and there was screeching. I pulled the phone away from my ear. There was shouting and fighting,until eventually someone got the phone. "Hey guys I got it!" Ashton's voice rang in my ears. "Hey,I know this number..." I heard Ashton pause and in the background I heard Luke shouting. "Put the phone down!" I heard Luke scream and I disconnected the call. Shit.

Ashton's POV

We all went silent as the person on the other end put the phone down. "What the fuck Luke,it was just a joke?" Calum taunted. "Well it's not funny,what I do with my life has nothing to do with you." Luke grunted at us. I knew that number,I just couldn't remember how. "Just tell us who it is!" Mikey grinned. "I know that number." I stated and Luke looked over at me worriedly. "I doubt it." Luke replied. "Who's number is it?" I asked. "None of your business!" I started scrolling through the numbers on my speed dial/ important contact list, but I couldn't find it. I sighed,maybe I didn't know it after all. "Let's just drop it guys,it's his life." I mumbled. Luke grabbed his phone out of Michaels hand and walked off,leaving us three shaking our heads at him.


It had been nearly 6 months since Ava had left and it has been shit. But she'd cheated on me. This is her fault,not mine. Whenever I missed her I made my self look at the photo of her with that other boy and it makes me know I did the right thing kicking her out,even though she was pregnant. With his child. Yeah,but I still kicked a pregnant girl out on the street,who knows where she ended up... I could never decide on how I felt about the whole thing,my feelings changing constantly. There were days where I missed her so badly I was prepared to hear her out,but there were other days when I was so angry I wanted her die. It's harsh and I feel guilty for feeling that way... I could have maybe got over her cheating,but claiming a baby that isn't mine was mine is just unforgivable. I bet she thought I'd be easy to get money out of,I'm famous and can give her money left,right and centre. Thought that because I loved her I'd forgive her. Or be stupid enough to think the kid was mine. Well it wasn't happening and now she can live with the consequences.

1 week later

Since I'd text Ava, I was beginning to think I should hear her out,at least check she was okay. I was in the hotel room and I took out my phone. (Normal font is Ashton, etallics are Ava)

-hi, is there anyway we could talk?

A few minutes later I felt my phone buzz and she had replied.

-what about? You made your feelings pretty clear.

-where are you? What happened after you left that day?

Another reply came.

-places. Why do you even care?

-I just wanted to check you were okay.

-I'm fine. I got an apartment,got a job,life's good.

Life's good? Good to know she was coping without me.
-oh,okay,'s the kid?

- fine,not that you care.

-I will always care about you Ava, I can't seem to switch that off no matter how hard I try...

- and I will always care about you. But move on Ash,you chose this,not me. I'm putting the baby up for adoption anyway,I want my life back. So you don't need to check up on me again.

Adoption? That didn't sound like Ava. Then again,I didn't think she would cheat on my either,so what do I know.

- I,well hope that goes well for you.

She didn't bother replying.

An Ashton Irwin Pregnancy story: left alone with your beautiful mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now