The first birth class and an argument

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Ava's POV

I wasn't expecting Ashton to ever text me again,so when he did I was so shocked. I'd spent hours on the phone to Luke the night they nearly found out he was talking to me and decided our best option was to lie. So,that's what I did. I told Ashton I was putting my baby boy up for adoption and he believed it quite clearly. Shows how much he didn't know me,I'd already said I couldn't give a baby up for adoption,but it turns out he is a dick,who didn't give a shit about our relationship. I'd realised that I was going to do this alone and that is okay. I had gotten used to the idea of being a single mum over the last few months. I had all the people I needed in my life and the baby's. We would be okay,I knew it. My little boy was due in just under 3 months and it was becoming more real. Luke was back in town for the week then going back again,so he came to my first birth class with me.

"Good morning everyone. My names Sue and I will be your birth instructor. I'm here to provide the knowledge and understanding about giving birth and the weeks before and after the birth. First,we will go around the circle and tell each other your names, the sex of your baby if you know it and how far along you are. Okay let's start here!" She said cheerily,pointing to the couple next to her. They were 6 couples before me and I was nervous,and Luke knew. He rubbed my arm gently soothing me. Soon,it was my time and they all looked at me expectantly. "Hi,um,I'm Ava. I'm have a boy and I'm just over 6 months gone." I said quietly and they all smiled at me. "Oh,and I'm Luke, Ava's best friend." He gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead and I smiled at him. "Nice to meet you Ava and Luke." Sue smiled. That wasn't as bad as I thought. We then spent the next hour discussing all the signs of early labour and what to do if in that situation. There was so much information I didn't know and I began to realise that I was going to have to come to more classes if I was going to be prepared. "Okay,well I think that's us done for today. Thank you everyone for coming,it was wonderful meeting you all." Sue spoke and we all began to file out of the room,through the reception and outside. Luke put his arm around my waist,leading me towards the car. I was finding it harder to get around now,because my bump was putting a lot of strain on my body. I'd always been curvy,but in shape,so having so much weight was different for me. I hadn't yet got used to it. I buckled my seat belt and Luke began to drive back to my apartment. "Thanks for coming with me Luke. You've been amazing these past 6 months. I couldn't have done any of this without you or your family." He looked over at me and smiled. "Well that's what family do Ava, we look after each other." He laughed.

We got back to my apartment and I hauled myself up the stairs tiredly,unlocking the door and laying down on the sofa. "Want anything?" Luke called from the kitchen. "Hmmm." I thought. My cravings were taking over. "Cucumber and tomato sauce sandwich please." I called and I heard him laugh. "You're disgusting Ava!" He laughed,but I heard him making me it. He brought it in and I munched on it quietly. "Ava?" Luke said suddenly. "Mm?" I mumbled,my mouth still full. "Are you ever gonna make Ash know the truth? Cause there's ways,you could get a DNA test-" "No." I said abruptly. "Why not?" He asked. "Because,he should know the baby is his,he should know I'd never cheat on him. Anyway,I don't want him in my life,or the baby's,it's best this way." I told him. "And you just expect me to never bring it up with him?" Luke's voice raised. "Yeah I do expect you too. Because this is my baby and my decision,not yours." "He has a right to know his own child Ava!" He shouted at me. "No he doesn't! He lost that right when he told me to kill my baby!" I spat. "And what am I meant to do,lead some kind of double life? Spend half my time here with you and the baby and half my time with the boys? Do you not think they will suspect something?" "I never said you had to be apart of my life,you chose to be here! If you can't deal with that then leave!" I screamed in his face,the anger consuming me. "All I've done is try to make sure you're okay Ava and you aren't even fucking grateful! And you know what? Maybe I will!" He shouted,slamming the front door with force on the way out. I put my hands on my growing belly. "Boys are overrated anyway darling,you're the only boy I need in my life." I whispered to my belly.

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Who is right, Luke or Y/N?

Please comment or send me your opinions,even if you're telling me it's a shit story.

Love you all

An Ashton Irwin Pregnancy story: left alone with your beautiful mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now