Waking up and revelations

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It had been 3 days since the accident. Luke still hadn't woken up, and you could break the tension in the air with a knife. Luckily, my injuries were not serious and both the baby and I were going to be fine, except I was warned he may come a little early after the crash. I'd been put on bed rest, but I kept leaving my bed and going back to Luke's room, much to my Doctors and Ashton's dismay. Now, Ashton was out and I sat alone with Calum and Luke, listening to him breath.

"Ava?" I heard Calum ask. I murmured, indicating him to carry on. "Why did you cheat on Ashton?" He whispered. I felt my chest tighten, not only did Ash think I'd cheated, so did the boys.

"I didn't. I wouldn't. I loved him with everything I had. I have no idea where he even got that idea from..." I felt my eyes well up. Being a hormonal, emotional pregnant teenager was definitely getting the best of me.

"There's a photo, I'm surprised you didn't see it." Calum told me. My brows furrowed.

"Do you have a copy of this photo? I need to see it." I had no idea what photo this was, I needed to know why Ashton would think I would do that to him. Calum nodded and pulled out his phone.

"I think I saved it to my camera roll, let me just have a look...yep, here it is." He passed me his phone and I immediately laughed.

"This?!" I exclaimed. "This is the photo that ruined my fucking relationship?!" I screamed. I laughed bitterly again. The photo was from about a month before Ashton and I broke up. I was hugging Andrew, my childhood best friend who was an events organiser. It was innocent, my arms went around his neck and his were wrapped around my waist. There was no kissing. No inappropriate touching. Just an innocent hug between life long friends. And had I mentioned he was gay? Him and his husband were happily married with a little girl called Amelia. I felt like screaming. This ruined us! Suddenly, I felt a slight twitch in my stomach and I smiled, my beautiful boy was kicking. Then, I had an idea.

"Luke? Your godson is kicking me again, wanna feel? Of course you do." I pulled up my stretched pyjama top and grabbed Luke's large hand, placing it on my huge stomach. I waited, holding Luke's hand in place. Then, he kicked. Right underneath Luke's hand. I giggled and turned to look at Cal, who was watching in awe. I heard the door open behind me and I turned to see Ashton, Michael and Liz enter the room.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ashton asked disgustedly.

"I'm letting Luke feel his godson kick. Got a problem with that?" I sneered. Liz rubbed my shoulder soothingly.

"Keep going Ava, he'll love it." She told me and I held Luke's hand on my belly. I looked back at and felt tears begin to form in my eyes.

"Please Luke, please wake up, your godson needs you... I need you." I whispered. My boy was kicking away against my belly and Luke's hand, until Luke's machines began beeping. Ashton shouted for help and Luke's doctor ran in. "What's happening? His machines are beeping more than usual?" Ashton told him. The doctor looked at the numbers on the screen and smiled.

"Your friend is waking up. His heart rate is improving and his brain activity is also getting better. Hopefully he should be waking up any time n-"

I gasped when I felt Luke's hand squeeze my belly gently and I looked down to see his sky-blue eyes staring back at me.

"Ava?" He murmured.

"Luke!" I cried,wrapping my arms gently around his fragile torso. I cried into his broad chest, letting out days of unwanted emotion.

"Hey it's okay, can't get rid of me that easily." He croaked, his voice hoarse. Liz helped sit him up slightly and drink some water. I looked over at the boys, Calum and Michael looked happy and relieved... Ashton looked furious.

"Ashton?" Luke asked, looking between Ashton and I. Ashton shook his head.

"Look mate, I'm glad you're okay, but whatever this is." He indicates to Luke and I. "I just can't forgive you for. You're meant to be my best mate, but you've been lying to me. She cheated on me! And you are acting as if you have forgotten that!" Ashton's voice was rising the more he said.

"No I didn't! I wouldn't do that to you! I loved you! Calum get the photo up please?" He did so and I put the phone in Ashton's face. "This is a photo of me hugging my childhood best friend, who just so happens to be gay! I wasn't fucking him, I was using his business to set up your surprise birthday party! For you Ashton!" I screamed at him. Months and months worth of anger was being unleashed and I wasn't holding back.

Ashton stood there looking bewildered, he stuttered, then his eyes turned cold.

"You could have fucked any other man on this planet. So what, I got it wrong about one guy! All those times I was away on tour, or at meetings, could have been sleeping with anyone." He spat. I felt Luke pull on my arm and my eyes quickly shifted to him. I looked into his eyes and my anger quickly evaporated.

"Oh my god Aves the baby? Is he okay? Shit
Ava tell me he's okay?!" Luke ranted. I rubbed his arm.

"Luke he's okay I promise, the doctor said he was miraculously unaffected. They said due to the disruption and the painkillers I'm on he may come a little early-"

"Wait,it's a boy?" Ashton interrupted.

"Um, yeah it's a boy. All the kicking makes me think he's gonna be a little football (soccer) player." I laugh, then sighed. "Ash I swear on my son's life he is yours."

An Ashton Irwin Pregnancy story: left alone with your beautiful mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now