Chapter 5

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Clary got out of the car and started up the walkway, Jace following behind her. Clary stopped when she got to the door.

"You okay, love?" Jace asked her quietly behind her.

"Yeah, I'm good," Clary sighed putting on a fake smile as she knocked on the door.

Jocelyn swung the door open and a smile immediately appeared on her face. "Clary, Jace!" She exclaimed. "Come in, come in," Jocelyn continued stepping out of the door, "Luke! Clary and Jace are here!" She shouted up the stairs the sound of footsteps following soon after.

"Clary!" Luke said pulling her into yet another hug. "How have you guys been lately?" Luke said talking to both Clary and Jace now.

"Ummm. Actually, that's why we came here for. We have to tell you something," Clary said nervously, twisting her hands and looking over at Jace, who nodded at her encouragingly.

"What is it?" Jocelyn asked seeing how nervous Clary was.

"Okay," Clary said taking a deep breathe to prepare herself. "I haven't been feeling well lately for the past couple months so, yesterday I went to doctors to see if they could tell me what's wrong and they decided run a few tests on me." Clary paused, taking a shaky breathe. "When the results came back they were able to determine that I have lung cancer." Clary said tears rolling down her face.

"Oh sweetheart! It's okay, shhh, it's okay," Jocelyn said hugging Clary with all her might, trying so hard not to cry but miserably failing.

So there they were in what must have been Clary's millionth hug this week, all four of them with tears silently rolling down their face.

* * *

Clary sat in the waiting room with Jace once again waiting for Dr. Rorish to call them into her office. She felt absolutely miserable just sitting there leaning against Jace who was playing with her hair affectionately.

"Clary, Jace?" A familiar voice said. Clary looked up to see Isabelle Lightwood in a black dress wearing six inch heels as always.

"Oh. Umm hi Iz what are you doing here?" Clary asked.

"I just came here to give Catarina Loss a letter from my mom. What are you guys doing here?"

"Ummmm. Well," Clary looked over at Jace, playing with her hands nervously.

"I'll tell her," Jace said knowing how hard it was for her to tell her parents and Simon and seeing the tears already appearing in her eyes.

"Tell me what?" Izzy asked curiously.

"So, Clary wasn't really feeling well lately so we decided to come and see if it was anything serious and when they finished running some test on her, we found out that she has lung cancer."

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