Chapter 11

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The sun was slowly setting over the island, as the boat pulled up to the dock. There was a small path leading from the dock to the beach and then over hill.

Jacob helped Connie out of the boat and paid the ferryman, before getting out the boat himself, taking Connie's hand and walking up the dock.

'So, where is it that you're taking me?' Connie asked, pulling her coat tighter around herself.

'Just on the hilltop.' Jacob smiled back, as they stepped on the path.

'What have you organised?' Connie questioned him again, causing Jacob to chuckle.

'Relax, Mrs B. Its only a picnic under the stars.'

They reached the top of the hill, with Connie complaining bitterly about the mud ruining her shoes. Jacob sat Connie down on a rug which had been placed under a large oak tree, along with it was a large picnic hamper and a bottle of Champaign in ice. After sitting down Connie down, Jacob opened the picnic hamper, pulling out a pair of glasses and pouring the Champaign into them.

'Thank you.' Connie smiled, taking one glass from Jacob as he sat down. 

'I wanted to make you feel special tonight.'  Jacob told her, pulling out some food from the hamper and placing it in front of them.

'I appreciate it, thank you.' Connie replied, leaning her head against his shoulder.

Jacob smiled down at her and grabbed her hand. He felt so different around her, he felt as though the world could throw everything and anything at the two of them, and they'd be able to fight it off. He knew he loved Connie, with every fibre of his body, but he didn't know how to tell her, and if he did, he didn't know how Connie would react.

After they'd finished the picnic, Jacob led Connie down towards the beach and looked up into the sky.

'Look at the stars, its a really clear night, you can see loads.' Jacob told her, which caused Connie to look up into the sky.

'Its beautiful.' She whispered, staring up at the sky.

'Its weird to think about everything out there, isn't it?' Jacob said, thinking out load. Connie smiled at him and took his hand.

'Should we go back to the cottage now?' She asked.

'Sure thing sweetcheeks. The ferry is waiting for us anyway.'  He replied, kissing her hand.

They stepped into the house and Connie sighed, before pulling her coat and shoes off.

'Thank you for such an amazing evening.' Connie smiled, putting her hands around his neck.

'You're welcome.' Jacob smiled back, before kissing her.

'Now, I want you to close your eyes and I'll lead you into the kitchen, I have a surprise for you in there.' Jacob told her.

'Oh god, what it is?' Connie asked, suddenly feeling nervous.

'That would be telling. Just relax, trust me.' Jacob told her, he kissed her cheek and turned her around before covering her eyes with his hands.

He walked her forward and opened the kitchen door and walked her into the centre of the room.

'Keep your eyes closed, until I tell you to open them.' Jacob instructed her, he then uncovered her eyes and walked over to the side of the room and leant on the counter.

'' He told her.

Connie sighed and shook her head slightly before taking a deep breath. She opened her eyes and was instantly speechless.


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