The Billings Successor

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Joey Billings spread out a span of cards on the glass coffee table, an impatient expression stamped on his aging face.

Even at the age of 66 years, he was still a remarkably handsome man, with fine lines across his forehead to represent his vast knowledge, and ocean blue eyes.

With his expanding range of estates and chiselled features; Joey was extremely popular among the ladies, he was a legendary man of a wealthy status, with connections all over the globe. That was hardly surprising however; well not if you were regularly on the Forbes rich list.

With an estimated worth of 6 billion and holding 30% shares in the Hilton chain, Joey Billings was one of the richest men in the planet.

But along every joy, there is a sacrifice.

Joey Billings lost his beloved daughter and son-in-law, to a devastating helicopter accident. The young newly married couple were on their way back to meet him, but an engine defect made this flight impossible. The aircraft crashed into a thick forest, and there were no survivors.

At the time, his three year old granddaughter was staying with him in New York, so she was spared of this tragic incident.

Billings loved his granddaughter to death, very much. Whatever she wanted, he would gladly give, and it was a miracle that she didn’t grow out to be a spoilt ungrateful brat like many others.

Arielle Billings was her name, a sultry brunette with golden brown eyes that seemed to capture the world; it was indeed one of the greatest gifts her mother ever gave her.

Arielle descended the staircase cautiously, a light lavender pashima draped across her shoulders. She was wearing a strapless pure cotton dress that moulded nicely against her slim figure, and expensive Suede ankle boots; that wrapped themselves around her slender ankles, clicking lightly as she walked. “Grandfather,” she spoke, her voice like smooth honey, but with a dash of poison.

“Good morning Arielle, it’s nice for you to finally join me.” Joey Billings growled, glancing up at his beautiful granddaughter fractiously.

Plopping down ungracefully on the plush Italian imported sofa, Arielle pinned him with a hard stare, she knew the old man well enough, to realise it was another one of his match making sessions.

“Spare me granddad! I’m only 21, so stop setting me up with random men.” She pouted, folding her arms at him.

Joey Billings scowled, and gave a displeased grunt, “Well why do you think I’m doing this? I’m getting old, and I want you to inherit the company.”

Offering him a long look, Arielle leant forward; “Uh no, I think what you want is great grand children!” She replied.

Inwardly, Billings grimaced; he could never outsmart the fresh Harvard graduate. The bright 21 year old not only had numerous prestigious awards under her wing, she also had several impressive newspaper companies begging for a piece of her work.

Quite frankly, she was as accomplished as a high flying lawyer.

“You know how the last date went...” Arielle frowned.

Joey Billings scratched his head thoughtfully, he knew all too well. The young man himself, had almost resorted into tears, and had begged the aging billionaire to let him go. Not long after, the bloke proceeded to flee the city, and was now residing in Greece with a gold digger wife.

“Well you didn’t need to make him chase after your car, just because he accidentally spilled wine on you.” He added.

Arielle furrowed her eyebrows. “Firstly, I didn’t force him, and secondly.... it was my favourite dress. It was custom made by Valentino.” She argued.

The Billings SuccessorWhere stories live. Discover now