The trial

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Fuming, Arielle deposited Julian on the sofa with great effort. She was insanely angry, and just wanted to punch something to let out her anger.

After undergoing such humiliation, the heiress wanted to crawl under a mat and hide. The cool, confident facade she had going had shattered into a thousand pieces the instant Julian fell. She knew she couldn’t blame her best friend for this, since she did take advantage of him in the first place.

Almost every time he woke up from drinking, he would always have a sour expression on his face before telling her that he dreamt of kissing her. Arielle never had the heart to tell him it wasn’t a dream.

The heiress had indeed assaulted her best friend’s lips many times with her own; of course it was only when she was drunk and lonely. If she ever told Julian the truth however, he would probably wear a mouth mask around her; she didn’t doubt that he would actually do it. After all, her gay best friend was a very strange boy.

Grabbing her useful guide How to get a guy in 7 days, Arielle flicked through the book impatiently. “Stalk him, follow him, be obvious - make him notice you.” She read out loud with a frown.

Tapping her long slender fingers on the desk determinedly, Arielle picked up the phone and dialled. “Find out Kennedy Luxor’s schedule please.” She spoke into the receiver.

Letting a content smile slowly play on her cupid shaped lips, she beamed. Being wealthy certainly had many benefits, such as this one.


Arielle Billings was the epitome of elegance that night. Dressed in a rich apricot coloured jumpsuit, a fresh pearl necklace, and six inch pumps; she was looking mighty fine.

Bestowing a charming white smile at everyone, her face alone attracted much unwanted attention. The one person’s attention she wanted however, was busily chatting to some Chief Executive Officer’s coy wife.

Kennedy Luxor stood dynamically to the side, and as if he knew she was watching him, his eyes never once wandered off the cougar’s face.

“Excuse me.” Arielle bit out politely. Squeezing between the mismatched couple, she gave a tight smile to the older woman. “I’m just going to borrow him for a moment.”

The cougar could voice no objections, after all she wasn’t facing any girl, it was Arielle Billings! “Sure.” The older lady cooed with fake sweetness.

Once the old bat was out of sight, Arielle fluttered her eyelashes seductively. “Hey,” she smiled at him.

Kennedy’s eyes quickly flashed with surprise, before returning back to his usual cold hard gaze. “What are you doing here?” He asked frostily.

Inwardly, Arielle flinched at his chilly tone. “To see you, of course.” She playfully bit back.

His stormy blue pupils darkened slightly at her flirtatious remark. But to her surprise, a scowl suddenly emerged on his pale pink lips, and he glared at her valiantly.

“Right.” He snapped dismissively.

Arielle Billings found herself burn with anger but before she could give him a piece of her mind, he was gone. Ten stinking feet away from her, and in a deep conversation with another woman, older and less attractive no less.

Drowning a glass of red wine in distaste, she grimaced. How dare he? It was a startling change of course; normally any guy would be on their knees if the heiress even much glanced in their direction. But Kennedy Luxor....He treated her like she had killed his mother or something and not to add, he avoided her as much as he could.

What was his problem? Arielle scrunched up her eyebrows unattractively in thought. Was he gay?

The clockworks in her brain started wheeling from that possibility and in two minutes, she had rung Julian, demanding his immediate presence.

When her best friend finally arrived, he was dressed in a pink shirt and white trousers, looking good enough to eat. What a shame he isn’t straight, Arielle inwardly mused.

“What do you require my service of, my lady?” He teased with a bow.

Arielle tapped her fingers on her chin with a calculative frown; “I...want you to hit on that guy over there.”

Julian followed her gaze with a smirk; “I don’t think he’s gay, darling.”

“Prove it.” She dared him.

Julian grinned in obvious amusement, “fine. But if I’m right, then we’re going to go to the new male stripper club!”

Arielle didn’t even bother hiding her grimace; the boy had being dying to go to that place ever since it was advertised on some trashy magazine two weeks ago....But Arielle never backed away from a challenge, and she was going to do everything she could, to figure Kennedy Luxor out! “Deal.”

Arielle watched attentively as her best friend sauntered over to him, Julian was all rainbows and sunshine, and even she couldn’t help but let out a grin.

He definitely worked fast she mused, watching the blonde already drag a confused Kennedy backstage. Following them, she was just going to step behind the curtain when she heard a loud crash and a shriek.

Without thinking, Arielle ran towards the direction of the sound, only to find Julian sprawled out on the floor clutching his eye, whimpering.

“What happened?” She asked worriedly.

“He h-hit me.” Julian cried.

“What?” Arielle exclaimed angrily, she didn’t like it when people hit her friends.

“Who do you think y-” Her question lodged midway when she caught sight of him, and she couldn’t help but giggle.

Kennedy Luxor looked beyond livid, his dark eyes glittering with unmasked fury as he rubbed his lips frantically with the back of his hand in disgust. All in all, he looked a little ridiculous.

“You’re laughing?” He turned his fiery gaze on her instead, and with a growl, he gripped her wrist and tugged her out to the balcony.

“Do you think it’s funny?” He hissed once the door was firmly shut behind them. The wind tousled his hair crossly, and he glared at her until the humour in her eyes slowly dissipated.

“Yes.” Arielle grinned, before laughing again.

Kennedy took two large steps towards her, his eyes glinting darkly; “do you think it’s funny?” He asked again, backing her against the stone cold veranda.

“Are you deaf?” She frowned instead, feeling a little irritated that he was asking the same question twice.

“You, are the most infuriating girl I’ve ever met.” Kennedy growled, his breath tickling her cheeks with each word.

“Why, thank you.” Arielle grinned genuinely, she was glad she was an annoyance to him; the more irritating she was, the better!

“You're spoilt, obnoxious, and everything I hate but - god, I want you!” He snarled and before she could blink, he was kissing her. His hands snaked around her waist, as his tongue begged for entrance.

Arielle felt like she was on fire, she was burning hot and opening her mouth, she let their lips mould together. But just when she was getting into it, it was over.

Kennedy had pulled back and was glaring at her as if she was the instigator of his sudden slip of control. “That shouldn't have happened, it was a mistake.” He scowled heatedly, making sure to look her in the eye as he said it.

Mistakes don’t feel so right, Arielle wanted to yell. “Of course.” She coolly replied instead.

“Well then, I hope I won’t see you again.” Kennedy told her icily and without waiting for an answer, he left.

“Oh you’ll see me very soon.” Arielle whispered as soon as he was gone, and turning her body around, she placed her elbows on the balcony with a smirk.

Kennedy Luxor, so you're not gay...That's a relief because this game is getting rather interesting....

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