Perfume Hunting & Background checks.

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17 Votes before the next chapter!!!! =D Spoiler: The next chapter is an Arielle and Kennedy chappie!!!! <3 <3

“What took you so long?” Julian pulled a face. He had finished his giant tub of cookie dough a long time ago, and much to his disappointment; there were no cute guys around.

“There was a long line.” She sulked, prodding her melted Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream miserably.

“Julian, do you want to go to Sephora after this?” Arielle asked her best friend. Sephora was a famous makeup store that originated from Italy; their cosmetics were always the best quality, if not the most expensive.

“Why?” Julian knitted his eyebrows together suspiciously. To what did he owe the terrible pleasure of going on a shopping trip with the heiress, and to one of the most horrible places on earth no less? Julian wore Cologne, yes. But he hated going perfume shopping, the wafts of high fragrances all mixed together simply made him nauseous.

“I want to buy Hugo Boss’s perfume.” She replied, her golden brown eyes sparkling with mischief.

Knowing better than to question her real motives, Julian tightened his cashmere scarf around his neck; the distinctive plaid design was undoubtedly the high-class English brand, Burberry. “Let’s go.” He sighed. Today was going to be a long day.


Arielle watched in amusement, as Julian wrapped his scarf tighter around the bottom half of his face. He looked extremely out of place, well if the looks of the other customers was anything to go by.

Scanning the Hugo Boss perfume rack, Arielle delicately took a whiff of every bottle. To her disappointment, none of the scents were even remarkably similar to Kennedy Luxor’s. “Is this all you have?” She frowned at the clerk, pointing towards the Hugo Boss fragrances.

“Unfortunately yes. The designer released a limited edition perfume one month ago, but it’s already sold out.” The Sephora employee told the heiress.

“What is it, sweetheart?” Julian wandered over, after catching the troubled expression on his best friend’s face.

“They sold out.” She brooded unhappily.

Julian gave her a sympathetic glance, but didn’t miss the productive wink the sales attendant gave him. Seems like all the girls were hitting on him today, he thought in disgust.

Feeling overly frustrated and tired, Julian let his emotions get the better of him; “I’m gay.” He gave the worker a parched smile, before calmly leaving the store.

“I am seriously considering on wearing a Gay band.” Julian groaned aggravatedly, as he kicked a can on the sidewalk. 

“What’s a gay band?” Arielle asked her best friend curiously.

“It’s one of these pink things you wear on your wrist, which stands for homosexuality.” Julian explained to the brunette.

“Seriously, they even have those things now?” The heiress laughed in astonishment. “But isn’t purple the international gay colour?” She chuckled.

“Yes.” Julian replied morosely. Admittedly, he was a little peeved that she was finding his sexuality funny. He doubted she would be that amused if girls hit on her all the time, now would she?

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