He is attractive.

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There was a hostile atmosphere in the car on the way to the Ritz Restaurant where the meeting was held at. From the little information she was told, Arielle only knew she was meeting two company representatives from Asia and they were having a briefing over the provision of the smaller businesses over there. But why would Kennedy have such strong concerns about it when he was not even part of Billings Enterprise Corp?

Staring out the black tinted windows, Arielle watched the streets outside come alive. There were buskers on the street, a few with some kind of musical instrument in the hand and then there were the adrenaline junkies who performed circus acts like dancing with fire. Pressing her face to the glass, she wondered where exactly she wanted to be at that moment. In a high class restaurant talking about business or out on the streets doing whatever she felt like?

The car turned to a smooth stop and the colossal chandeliers that had subtly appeared outside confirmed they had arrived. Glancing at the seat directly in front of her, she noticed Kennedy had already left without waiting. Snorting, she stepped out of the vehicle, nodding once to the porter boy who was holding the door open for her.

Ten steps and through the revolving doors and she was in the building. “Miss Billings?” The maitre smiled. Arielle nodded, letting herself be lead through the richly decorated interior of one of Las Vega’s most exclusive restaurants.

Approaching her table, she saw two elderly men already seated and Kennedy of course, having the audacity to give her a cold look. “Miss Billings,” the two men stood up, all smiles.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all, forgive me but introductions may be necessary as I have not being informed of your names.” Arielle said politely.

The taller of the two chuckled good naturedly, “We heard you’re a very busy lady, so all is forgiven. My name is Allan Gregory - CEO of Billings AJ Internationals Limited.”

 “And I’m Robert Ponsonby – CFO.” The shorter man grinned.

Arielle shook their hands smiling widely, “Nice to meet you all, it’s great to know that my grandfather employ such fine men to run his company.”

This earned a few bouts of laughter from though Kennedy looked far from amused.

Seating herself down in the already pulled out chair, she called a waiter over and ordered the finest red wine in the house.

“As lovely as it is to meet you both, Mr Gregory and Mr Ponsonby, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Arielle asked.

Almost instantly she felt the weight of Kennedy’s glare bestowed on her, and with much concentrated effort she tried not to look at him.

Allan only looked at her warmly, “I see you have not been informed yet. AJ international Limited is considering to invest in the Billings Corporation. We have plans to become a major shareholder if we do decide to invest in your company. Surely you are acquainted with Mr Luxor however?”

Arielle felt herself heat up at the older man’s seemingly innocent question. Perhaps a little more than acquainted she mused inwardly.

“Yes certainly, strictly business of course.” She bit her lip before she said anything else. She refused to even glance at the man in question; god knows what his reaction would be at this current moment.

“No one assumed else wise.” Kennedy had the audacity to speak up and for the first time since they arrived, he wasn’t glaring at her with a coldness that chilled. Though she would much rather that than the antagonizing way he was looking at her right now, very much despising the way his eyebrow was arched up in a taunt.

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