Lunch & Misunderstandings

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THANK YOU ALL FOR COMMENTING AND VOTING! =D I updated so soon because of this!!!!! =D This chapter is dedicated to this reader also because of her support in this story ;)THANK YOU!

 OH AND TO ALL READERS, WANT TO READ SOMETHING GOOD? CHECK OUT THIS STORY - (THE A Z OF DATING) I THINK IT'S QUITE GOOD. It's about a girl who dates hot men for her magazine column, sounds real exciting... =) Just click on the internal link!!! =D

Glancing at the small blank LCD screen on the intercom, they were immediately buzzed in, to the glorious Rhodes mansion.

To Arielle, it was practically a second home, so she had no hesitation to wander through the house like her own.

A pair of slim arms suddenly wrapped themselves around her shoulders, and the new Hilary Duff fragrance burned her nostrils. “Did you miss me?” A soft voice yelled.

Jesus Christ! Does anyone want to swap ears? “Hey Ivy,” Arielle grimaced, slinking out of her friend’s tight hold.

Yet as soon as she was out, she was pulled in again, blonde hair blinding her vision, as Pristine’s daughter strangled her in a death hug. “Ari, I missed you so much!” Ivy squealed.

“Honey, give the girl some space. You’re smothering her!” An angelic voice scolded.

Arielle found herself able to breathe again, and gave Pristine a grateful smile. “Thank you,” she huffed.

“No problem dear, so how are you Ari?” The tall blonde woman asked.

“I’m fine, nothing happening. But a week ago, I went to Jamaica.” Arielle told her.

“Oh you little angel! You’re always organising trips to poverty stricken places, to help the needy.” Pristine gushed, her topaz pupils glowing proudly.

“Whatever,” Arielle heard Ivy quietly mutter under her breath.

Deciding to ignore that little snide comment, Arielle tugged Julian a little closer.

“Julian! Good to see you again.” Mrs Rhodes beamed, air kissing his cheeks.

“You too, Pristine!” He replied, a large smile on his handsome face.

“Well, I prepared lunch since Ivy darling, told me you guys were coming over.”  Pristine grinned, leading everyone to the picnic table.

“That looks delicious!” Julian praised her, glancing at the feast in front of him.

“I know, get seated and dig in!” She chuckled.

“Hey, hey, who’s starting without me?” A rough male voice growled teasingly.

“Johnny!” Arielle cried out in glee, and jumped out of her seat to greet the famous rocker.

“Did someone get a tan this summer?” Johnny Rhodes joked, giving the heiress a warm hug.

Arielle glanced up at her godfather happily; funnily at the age of 54, he didn’t look a day over forty. The wrinkles that should’ve been apparent were nonexistent, and the rough stubble that patched his chin normally, was gone.

“Did someone get a shave this summer?” She taunted back at him.

“You little – “ The raven-haired rocker laughed, and ruffled her hair affectionately.

“’Can you guys stop fooling around, we’re eating already!” Somebody shrieked.

Arielle retracted from her Godfather’s grasp, to see Ivy Rhodes glaring at her. As soon as they made eye contact however, the younger girl put on an innocent smile, as if nothing ever happened.

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