Relevation of the past

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The long awaited chapter!!!! Ahahaha


“You know, if you really want his heart then jealousy isn’t the right way to go.”  Becky stated bluntly.

They had both successfully handed out all of the fliers and were now heading back to the main Campus to pick up their belongings. 

Arielle had never pinned Becky as the observant type, but then being spontaneous was never a bad thing. “Why do you say that?” She responded curiously.

“Even if you did get him in the end, your relationship would be anything but healthy!” Becky exclaimed.

Arielle couldn’t help but snort in incredulity. “Who says I wanted a relationship?” She laughed.

“But then you – Oh, I understand now.” The younger girl blushed so furiously that Arielle could just imagine a neon sign on her forehead screaming virgin.

“Honey, men are nothing more than porcelain dolls, beautiful on the outside but hollow on the inside. There’s nothing there.” The heiress muttered with a frown.

Becky opened her mouth to protest; “that’s not true! I believe in true love, I believe – “

“-My advice is to stop believing then, because there’s no such thing as true love, it’s just some crap people made up. So stop believing it before it screws you over.” Arielle interrupted sharply.

Becky gasped quietly but Arielle was in another world, too far way to notice.

“Because,” Arielle continued, “when you get screwed over by love, you’ll become one of them – one of love’s puppets.”

Blinking rapidly, Arielle realised she had said too much, judging by the younger girl’s shocked expression. “Sorry, I got carried away.” She added hastily, trying to lessen the tension of her words before.

“What happened?” Becky blurted out. “If you don’t mind me asking?”

Arielle froze. It was such a simple question but the answer held so much pain.

Taking her silence as a sign of unwanted intrusion, Becky flushed in shame. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me, I really didn’t mean to pry. Please forget that I sa-”

“Are you sure you really want to know?” Arielle cut her off with a sad smile, maybe it was time to tell someone, she thought.

For years she hadn’t told a single soul about Sebastian, except to Julian. But then her best friend had always walked on eggshells around her at the slightest mention of anything related to her ex, so Sebastian was basically a forbidden topic.

Becky nodded her head eagerly in response.

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