Going to Vegas

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Dedication >> A token of my appreciation. :) I had myself in a predicament a while ago, and some of yous were very helpful and gave me advice! Just wanted to thank you one at a time by dedicating chapters to everyone that helped.

# Hey guys! So  I know I haven't updated in like forever! But I'm up and running with this story again! :) Damn writers blocks, they always get the best of me! Anyway, hope you like it!

PS. You might want to read the end of the last chapter for a recap because I haven't uploaded for so long... O.o

After the glamorous makeover, Arielle proceeded to let Becky Matthews travel home in style by sending her back in her stretch limo, while she met up at the bar with Julian for a couple of drinks.

“Ooh, what a little hottie!” Julian wriggled his eyebrows playfully when she showed him a photo of Becky after the makeover.

 “Courtesy of Pierre.” Arielle chuckled lightly while stirring her apple martini.

“Ah, Pierre.” Julian sighed dreamily. “I would totally tap that ass if he wasn’t married!” He exclaimed brazenly.

“I’m sure James Lombardi would happily castrate you if you ever tried.” Arielle replied with a giggle.

“I wouldn’t even put it pass him, in fact he’s been acting twitchy ever since he learnt of my sexual orientation.” Julian frowned in thought.

Arielle laughed in response, “Frankly, I don’t blame him. You were blatantly flirting with his husband!”

“I was not!” Julian gasped in mock outrage.

“I distinctively remember a certain someone who wouldn’t stop talking and blushing when Pierre was cutting their hair.” The heiress teased good-naturedly.

Julian immediately turned pink at the memory and took a giant gulp of Long Island Iced Tea to refrain from answering.

“So how is that boy toy of yours?” He changed the subject instead.

“Ah, you mean Kennedy?” She grinned maniacally.

“Who else?” Julian rolled his eyes. After all, it was all she talked about these days, her mission to make that guy who punched him in the face fall in love with her.  Honestly he thought it was very juvenile, and she ought not to try and manipulate other people’s feelings, no matter how much they deserved it, Julian thought darkly with a grimace when his mind reverted to that time.

“He’s being his usual self.” Arielle said dejectedly with a sigh.

“What? Moody, self-centred, eccentric and rude?” Julian muttered bitterly.

Arielle did not miss that sharp tone he used, and she was correct in guessing he still did not fully forgive her for leading him into something that resulted in a black eye.

“Oh come on, don’t be such a baby!” She couldn’t help but laugh at him. “I promised we would go to Red Slash, didn’t I?”

“A promise that I’ve yet to see some sign of!” He bit out childishly. 

 “Well why do you think I called you out today?” Arielle shook her head in amusement. Like a little child, wording around Julian had to be delicately sugar-coated and handled.

“You didn’t!” He all but shrieked in barely held excitement, his facial expression brightening about a thousand times in intensity.

“A promise is a promise.” The heiress grinned, but she couldn’t help but feel a little queasy about what she was getting herself into.

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