Maybe im insane

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~~~I wish I could sleep but my stupid ADHD kicks in and well basically it goes something like this one sheep two sheep bird pig cow monkey oh I like monkeys don't you Tim their funny when they finish eating the green eggs and ham or is that bob it may be bob or is it you wait bob has a knife RUNNNNN wait why am I laying here oh yeah I'm sposed to be counting donkeys right wait no animals no numbers I DONT KNOW STOP TALKING TO ME I don't like you why are you even here wait TIM, TIM WHERE DID YOU GO come back please three sheep four cows wait wrong animal which was it again crap I don't remember I forgot again please Tim help me bob still has the knife and...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

~~~I'm ONLY RESPOSIBLE for what I SAY, NOT for what you UNDRERSTAND.

~~~"Why don't you understand that I'm never changing who I am"

~~~My best friend is the type of friend that if I were to show up at his door in the middle of the night with a dead body he would say nothing go around back grab a shovel and follow me.

~~~Sarcasm: ONE of the MANY services I offer (And don't take it the wrong way you pervert I know at least one of you will)

~~~When both my evil side come out I always chose the one I've never chose before just to try it out

~~~When nothing goes right, Go left. *Shrugs shoulders*

~~~I'm not drunk until I have to grab onto the grass to keep form falling of the earth THEN AND ONLY THEN can you call me drunk UNERSTAND!

~~~No maybe its just me but tell me this is not confusing:

"To do is to be"

"To be is to do"

"Do be do be do"

Am I wrong?

~~~Sharks aren't that bad I mean if a guy entered your home wearing only a speedo id probably attack him to. (Take that either way you want)

~~~No tell me what you think when you hear the word.... FACIAL

now what you think when you hear it is the difference between a women and a man

~~~if you feel like your being watched and its bothering you let me know and ill stop.

~~~"You cant chose who walks into your life but you can control which window to throw them out"

~~~I could never work in a bubble wrap factory think of how much self control would be need I just couldn't do it

~~~STAY I yell at my ipod when it kept falling off my leg like HECK YEAH I'm a wizard where's hegrid to tell me and yes I do know I spelled that wrong I will never be in a spelling bee I cant spell worth a crap hope my life never depends on it. To bad my names not harry :(

 ~~~I AM ME, I'm crazy, I'm stupid, I have few friend, I'm not popular, I don't really have any talents, I'm completely and utterly insane and if you don't like it then do me a favor and just let me send my rainbow monkeys after you so that I don't have to hear you anymore BYEEEEE!!!!!!!

~~~My excuse is that IM INSANE so what's yours?

~~~I was once found in the rain dancing when I was little by my mother, when she asked what I was doing I told her I was dancing she just laughed and said I was crazy and tired to get me inside when I looked at her and said "No don't you hear it" and went running through the mud covered woods dancing to the sound of the rain with out a care in the world. To this day I still here the music and you will still find me dancing at the most randomest of times but I wont care if I hear the music I don't care if you hear it or not im going to dance to it, without a care in the world. Call me crazy but ill take bei8ng me and having fun over standing in the dry house my whole life any day!

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