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SPOILER- I don't know if any of these are true, lies, real, fake, boring, or funny. SO PLEASE DON"T KILL ME!!!

~~~Hundreds of dogs have jumped to their death off the Overtoun Bridge in Scottland since the 1960s. Nobody knows why...

~~~Recently, dead cows have been mysteriously appearing on the shores of Denmark and Sweden

~~~Two scientist claim they've found the Lost City Of Atlantis within the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle.

~~~In the original versions of Little red Riding Hood, the girl and the wolf eat grandma together. (IS THIS REALLY TRUE?!?!?!?!)

~~~A NASA camera on Mars has captured what appears to be artificial light emanating outward from the planet's surface.

~~~Acorrding to Discovery, scientist have recently discovered certain brain parasites that can facilitate a Zombie Apocalypse. 

~~~Deep holes the end abruptly are being found in Russian forest. No one knows who's doing this or why. (This makes me think of the movie 'War of the Worlds' with the alien machines buried underground...)

~~~A clown in Chesterfield, UK has been spotted standing in roads in the middle of the night.

~~~Lake Natron in Tanzania has such high pH levels that it calcifies animals upon entering the water

~~~Underwater crop circles have been popping up all over Japan and nobody knows why.

~~~No US sailors witnessed the secret burial of Osama Bin Laden. The US government has not produced a single photo or video of Bin Laden's body, an autopsy report, a death certificate, or DNA test results, and refuses to do so.

~~~In Dhango Unchained, Leonardo DiCaprio demanded that that Mandingo fighter dubbed "D'Artagnans" actually be torn apart alive by dogs, and Quentin Tarantino decided to allow it. h actor's death was real, he died in brutal anguish and horrible pain. Tarantino later said in a groundbreaking interview with Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes "It really captured the sheer evilness of DiCaprio's character and added to the authenticity of the scene." The actor, Ato Essandoh, was pronounced dead on the set by DiCaprio himself, but no charges have been filed as Mr. Essandoh had volunteered his own life in the contract that he had signed prior to filming. At least Mr. Essandoh died giving a powerful and realistic final performance for such an amazing movie.

~~~ The main thing i learned about conspiracy theorists is that conspiracy theorists actually believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is chaotic. The truth is, that it is not the Jewish banking conspiracy or the grey aliens or the 12 foot reptiloids from another dimension that are in control. The truth is most frightening, nobody is in control. The world is rudderless.                                                                                                                                 

                        -Alan Moore

~~~Obama's loyal supporters and followers insist that anyone who is worried about big government taking too much control over he population are just 'conspiracy theorist.' Funny thing, that HItler's loyal supporters and followers said the same thing about six million Jews.

~~~ Aliens; Why don't we visit your planet you ask? What makes you so sure we haven't already... Maybe we are invisible and are right above you, in your closet, or under your beds... You will never know...

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