Chapter One

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Michael paced around the small office room. There were three representatives from there management sitting and watching him. He couldn't believe the choice he was faced with. He couldn't believe that people could be so cruel and force him to hide his relationship with Luke over the small issue that they are bandmates. That's not even for the reason most would expect. It's the last thing anyone would ever think about.

Michael and Luke have been together for three years. They've been best friends for so much longer. Even if they did avoid each other for most of their last year of school, mainly because they realized their feelings for one another had grown to something much bigger, but neither wanted to confront the other about those said feelings so they decided acting like they loathed each other would totally be the better option out of everything.

"Michael, please sit down."

Michael spun around and glared at the three that were seated at the table. Every fiber of his being felt ignited into flames and he wanted to strangle all of them right now. "Don't tell me what to do." Michael spat. They all looked done and ready to leave and call it a day, but they couldn't. Not without getting Michael to corporate.

"Need I remind you that we hold your job in our hands. I advise that you to sit down and listen to what we have to say Mr.Clifford." One of them said as Michael rolled his eyes. They always have to pull the job card to get hi to listen. "Now," Jennifer–the bands manager–started, glancing at the guitarist with a glint in her eyes as Michael sat slouched in the plastic chair and his arms crossed against his chest. "You can choose to stay with Luke, but you cannot stay in the band if you do. We'd find a new guitarist and everything would stay the same."

"That's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. You want me to leave the band I helped create? To leave my best friends to find some shitty guitarist and singer that would never amount to me. You want me to do that? You're fucking pyscho if you think I'd agree to that."

"You didn't let me finish." Jennifer smiled, Michael didn't think it was possible to hate someone's smile as much as he hated hers. She fixed a few stray papers that were sat in front of her before she spoke again. "You can chose to stay in the band. That's not a problem. All we do is find you a beard-which we already have one lined up if you agree to this option-to prance around with when you go out. Then everyone will forget about yours and Luke's relationship. It's as simple as that."

Michael sat up as she finished speaking, his brows furrowed in confusion at her word. Everything was a mess and he really just needed Luke here to tell him what to do, but Luke doesn't know about any of this. He's been left in the dark since their drunken photos got leaked onto the internet. Their management has done everything through Michael since they knew Luke couldn't handle a decision like this.

"So if I choose to stay in the band everything will be normal? Except the fact I'll have a beard to fool everyone with since it's oh so terrible to date my bandmate and have everyone know. Luke was even my boyfriend before we even formed this band. This is all fucking bullshit." Michael slammed his hand against the table getting frustrated once again.

"No, no. There will be a lot of changes. Like for instance, you will end things with Luke, but he can't know about this meeting or anything that's about to happen. You will move out of the apartment you share and move in with your beard that is being assigned to you. The only time you will be around Luke is if you're with friends or if it's band related. If you break these protocols we will be informed and there will be consequences."

Michael jaw dropped as she continued to list off things that cannot occur between the two with the choices he makes. "Why can't I continue to date Luke? Why can't we continue on with our lives without our fucking management controlling our every move? Why can't you three be decent human beings and not care about millions of dollars for one goddamn second and think about my life your messing up? I love Luke with every fiber of my being, but he also loves this band. It was his one shot to make a difference in his life and others and if I were to leave it he'd never forgive me. He'll also never forgive me for the choice I'm being forced to make."

"Well, Mr.Clifford what is your choice?" Jennifer asked, a smug smile gracing her beautiful face but all Michael saw from her is the ugly personality she's sporting.

"I choose the band." Michael mumbled, but the reason for his choice was meant to help and not make things worse.

"Excellent choice, we'll inform your beard and have him meet you at your new apartment tomorrow evening."

"What's his name?" Michael asked out of curiosity. If he was going to be spending a lot of time with this guy he might as well know his name.

"Oh, I'm glad you asked. His name is Troye Sivan. He's also a singer and wildly known for his YouTube channel. We needed this relationship to gain publicity, so finding someone who is also famous was the only solution." Jennifer handed Michael a picture of him and Michael can't help but think of Luke and how heartbroken he's going to be. How he'll never trust Michael the same again. It'll be a mess, but he's willing to throw himself into if it protects his lover in the process.

Michael just wanted to protect Luke, but even in the end it'll be Michael hurting him the most.


yo yo yo here's the first chapter to faker because I'm impatient even if it still says coming soon.

Let me know your thoughts?!?
They are greatly appreciated.

Ahh, I'm super excited for this story.

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