Chapter Twelve +

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[Three years ago]

Luke moaned, writhing beneath his boyfriend. Skin flush against one another. The pure bliss Luke felt as Michael's hand roamed his body with such ease, and tenderness. There wasn't an inch left untouched and Luke felt butterflies erupting inside, he didn't want Michael to stop, he wanted so much more.

"Please," Luke begged, tugging at Michael's boxers. "I want to feel everything tonight."

Michael lost it at those words. The rest of their clothes were shed and he soaked in the tenderness of Luke's naked body. Running his fingers delicately across the skin stretched across his jutted hipbones and down across the silkiness of his milky white thighs. Michael leaned down, silencing Luke's breathy moans with a kiss. Pulling back and moving his head to the crook of Luke's neck, leaving another trail of kisses in his wake. Michael couldn't get enough of the taste of Luke's skin.

"So beautiful," Michael murmured against Luke's flushed chest. Everything felt as if it were going in slow motion, every breath, every touch.

Luke blushed but didn't looked away from Michael as he littered his body with endless amounts of kisses and marks scattered. "Can-Can you t-touch me?"

Michael nodded, moving around with ease. Luke wrapped his legs around Michael tugging him as close as humanly possible. Luke was running his hands against Michael's back, the muscles flexing beneath his touch.

Michael let his fingers trail down Luke's tummy, resting right above the place the blond needed him most. Taking Luke's member in hand, the blond let out soft whimpers and an incoherent mess of words tumbling from his swollen lips. He was falling to pieces within seconds and Michael didn't know how much longer they'd end up lasting.


"Your dick is really nice." Luke said into the darkness surrounding them. Their legs intertwined underneath the thin white sheet. They were exhausted, but they stayed awake to soak in the moment of their time together. It wasn't what they had expected. It was so much more and putting it into words seemed almost impossible.

"Shut up, Luke." Michael laughed, shifting around behind Luke.

"Love you too," Luke smiled, grabbing Michael's hand and interlacing their fingers. Luke pressed light feathery kisses against his knuckles, holding Michael's hand close against his chest after he was done. Every inch of contact between the stayed soft and Luke craved more of Michael after more moments passed by.

"Mmm, you too." Michael mumbled. "You were outstanding tonight, taking it up the ass like a champ."

"Only for you," Luke laughed, twisting around to face Michael. Luke let out a surprised squeak as he was pulled closer. He could feel every inch of Michael, finally noticing he hadn't put boxers on after their time shared together in the most intimate way possible. "What happened to covering yourself?" Luke asked, his eyes lighting up in amusement.

"Eh, no need for that now. Plus, less confinement in case I get hard again. Which wouldn't be surprising since I have the hottest guy around in my arms right now."

"What a nerd."

"You know it," Michael winked, pressing a kiss to the corner of the blonds mouth. Michael let out a content sigh and relaxed back down against his pillow.

"We're going to have to get up soon." Luke sighed along, resting his head on Michael's warm chest. Michael's fingers absentmindedly carding through the blonds messy locks.

"Don't remind me. Can't we cancel on Calum and Ashton?"

"This is a meeting for us to potentially make it big in the music industry, we can't miss it. Not with our dreams on the line." Luke breathed, a bright smile making its way to his face. The one smile that was never directed towards Michael, it was reserved solely for Luke's love of music and Michael figured it out fairly quick in their friendship all those years ago. Everything about Luke had a story and Michael was sure he knew almost all of it by now, but then Luke would surprise him along the lines with something new. They were ever-changing, but now it was together.

"Look at that dimple," Michael poked at Luke's cheek. "You're excited aren't you?"

"Duh. I'm just so excited to live my dream with my three best friends. We're so fucking lucky!"

"I know, babe." Michael grinned.

"And what if we get one of those fancy tour buses? I'm going to have to cram you into my bunk every night." Luke chuckled, picturing he and Michael crammed into a small bunk doing god knows what with one another.

"Do you want to give everyone else another reason to hate us?"

"They'll be fine. A little moaning never hurt anyone." Luke shrugged, rubbing at the soft skin of Michael's tummy.

"Remind me of that when they kick us out of the band for fucking two feet away from them."

"I will," Luke pinched at Michael's skin before snuggling closer. They let the rest of their time together be spent in a comfortable silence with soft touches shared between them.


I can't write smut okay? Or anything along the lines of it so I'm sorry this chapter is absolutely
terrible 😥 I just wanted this chapter written and out of the way before I threw my laptop at the wall omg.

thanks for reading cuties.

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