Chapter Eighteen

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[Six years ago]

Halfway through the second movie of the night Calum broke the silence between them. "Why are you so quiet, Mikey? You're usually bouncing off the walls with energy."

Michael looked at Calum with wide eyes looking absolutely terrified of his friends accusations. Fiddling with his fingers Michael ignored the question and went back to watching the movie as if Calum would drop the subject completely.

"Michael," Calum whined, scooting closer to him on the couch. Calum tugged lightly on his friends arm to grab his attention, he didn't understand why Michael was avoiding the conversation, but he was about to get to the bottom of it. "C'mon... Tell me what's wrong! Don't make me tickle the answer out of you." Calum threatened, watching his best friend freeze up at those few words knew he was getting closer to the response he wanted.

"Don't fucking touch me." Michael warned, sending Calum a sharp glare. "I swear to god if you dare try to tickle me you will be dead. I'm not joking."

"Luke would be so disappointed in you." Calum tsked, shaking his pointer finger in the blonds face. Michael visibly tensed at Calum's words and he got an idea on why Michael was acting the way he was. "So... What did Luke do to put you in such a mood? Am I going to have to call him up and fight his scrawny ass?"

"No!" Michael yelped, turning his full attention to the raven haired boy sitting close to him on the couch. The movie now long forgotten for them. "Don't-Don't do that!"

"Why not? He's clearly done something to make you so moody. It's very rare to see you like this Michael." Calum explained worriedly.

"Luke hasn't done anything, okay? I'm just lost in my head that's all."

"You can't fool me. I know what you're like when you're lost in your own head, this is like that, but times ten." Calum argued, huffing in irritation. It was impossible to get anything out of Michael these days. He kept too many secrets to himself, keeping them bottled up.

"I-I can't tell you. It'll ruin everything between you, Ash, Luke, and I. Please just don't force me to tell you anything." Michael frowned, giving Calum the most convincing puppy eyes he could muster up.

"I'm not trying to force you. I just want to make sure you're okay. You like to bottle stuff up and it's not good for you to do that, buddy."

"I'll tell you when I'm ready."

Calum smiled, resting his head on Michael's chest and snuggling close into his side. The movie credit now rolling on the TV in front of them, but neither made any effort to get up and put another one in. "Good, I'll be here to listen when you're finally ready to talk about your adorable crush on our little Lukey."

"W-What?" Michael croaked.

"Y'know the crush you have on Luke? It's so obvious he feels the same, but you're both too dumb to see that." Calum shrugged, he started to reach for his phone out of his pocket but Michael's next words made him stop his movements.

"How did you know?" Michael asked quietly, he look petrified that his best friend had known one of his best kept secrets that he hadn't verbally spoken about to anyone.

"Seriously? You make it so obvious and so does Luke." Calum rolled his eyes, his best friends are so hopelessly falling for one another but their both blind to it.

Michael furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "You keep saying Luke is being obvious about it as well... I don't understand. Luke doesn't like me, he likes Lindsay in his third period class. He told me last week he was going to ask her out."

Calum snorted and buried his face into Michael's shoulder to stifle his laughter. "Dude, he so likes you whether he's ready to admit it or not."

"I don't believe it." Michael sighed.

"You should tell him how you feel."

Michael quickly shook his head no in response, fear evident on his face. "No, never, he's never going to know how I feel about him. It'll mess up everything we've had since we were little. I'm not risking it."

Calum groaned, "You wouldn't be risking anything, trust me."

"I-I can't tell him, please let it go Calum."

Calum solemnly nodded, but he wanted nothing more than to see his best friends happy together because they deserved the best and that was each other.


hey how are you guys doing?

sorry it's kinda short, it's mainly because it's a past chapter and those are hard to expand from a small topic that goes on in each one.

comments mean faster updates fyi ;-)

thanks for reading. I love you all!! <3

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