Chapter Six

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[Ten years ago]

"Just because you're a year older than me doesn't mean you're superior." Luke pointed out, a small pout on his light pink lips as he smeared lip balm against them, he smacked them together earning an annoyed groan from Michael. 

"Shut up, Lukey. I am superior. You're only ten and I'm eleven. Get over it."

"I'm telling mom that you're being mean to me." Luke huffed, walking away from Michael with his arms crossed and fake tears welling up in his eyes. Knowing from their fair share of arguments that Karen always fell for the tears in Luke's eyes.

"She is my mom!" Michael argued, following behind his best friend. The last thing he wanted was to be tattled on again this week. 

Luke sent the dirty blond a cheeky grin before walking faster to the kitchen. "She always believes me though."


"Ha! My mom didn't believe you this time! Take that Lukey." Michael smiled smugly, collapsing onto his twin size mattress. Luke stood by the bedroom door with a small pout on his lips while he glared towards his friend. He couldn't believe that Karen said they were being ridiculous and the argument was pointless. 

Now all Luke wanted to do was cry about this situation, but he didn't want his best friend to laugh at him. Michael always made fun of his tears and then continued to claim that he was the oldest and old people don't cry. Luke always thought Michael was crazy for saying that because he always see's his mom cry when watching movies and she's old.

Michael momentarily forgot about his small blond friend still pouting by the door, he was too busy grinning from ear to ear about the fact that for once his own mother didn't believe Luke. It felt like such a relief to him. He didn't see it as such a big deal, the two argue all the time and then it blows over within five minutes, but this time it didn't. The dirty blond looked up towards his ceiling to look at the glow-in-dark stars he and Luke hung up last week. It took them a while and a lot of lying to his parents that they didn't stack two dinning room table chairs on top of one another to climb that high. Michael broke out of his small daydream when he heard sniffling, he sat up and look at his best friend who had crocodile tears streaming down his face.

"Luke?" Michael slowly sat up and scooted to the edge of his bed. He didn't take his eyes off the blond as he was frantically trying to wipe the tears away.

"Yeah?" Luke said, his voice small and sounding as he'll start crying again.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm not–" 

Michael interrupted, "You are."

"Am not." Luke scoffed, turning away from his best friends gaze. 

Michael walked over to Luke, turning his around to look at his tear-stained cheeks and the red blotchy skin around Luke's baby blue eyes. Michael wiped away a tear that escaped from the corner of Luke's eye. "I'm sorry. Please don't cry." Michael murmured, guilt evident on his face as he looked down at Luke.

"You mean you're not going to make fun of me for crying?" Luke glanced at Michael, his eyes still glistening with tears. 

"I don't like seeing you cry," Michael mumbled, a frown making it's way to his cherry red lips. "That's why I tell you not too..."

Luke wrapped his small arms around Michaels torso, pulling him in for a hug. The blond rested his head on Michael's chest, "I love you, Mikey."

"I love you too, Lukey." Michael smiled, burying his face into Luke's hair. "I'm sorry for starting a fight with you."

"It's okay, but can we cuddle and watch a movie now? You promised we could earlier."

"Yeah, we can." Luke squealed, tugging Michael along to the living room where he begged Michael to put in a disney movie because those were his favorite. Michael's grumbled in response, he didn't want to watch a disney movie, but he's already upset Luke enough for one day and he didn't want to make it worse so he  not-so-happily obliged. 

When Michael turned around Luke had a extra-large blanket spread out on the couch for the both of them and his arms wide open to engulf his best friend so they could cuddle together. He shook his head, laughing lightly at the huge grin on Luke's face. Michael just really loved his best friend.


hey guys, sorry for the wait. I've just really haven't been wanting to write recently. It has nothing to do with writers block, i'm really just losing that spark I get when writing. It just doesn't feel fun anymore, it kinda feels like a chore, and that's the last thing that I want because I love to write. So, I'm going to take a small break because I'm going to Florida for a small vacation with my mom next week and won't be able to update anyway, but I'm going to take that time to relax and not think about writing and i'm hoping when I get back i'll feel refreshed and ready to enjoy what I write again.

Love you guys, thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter with lil muke!! (-:

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