Chapter Fourteen

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"Sorry I'm a few minutes late," Michael mumbled, not looking at anyone in particular as he entered the studio to rehearse. Michael knew his three best friends were probably looking at him as if he sprouted another head. He's acting normal, he's showing them nothing about him has changed except the small part they all think he cheated on Luke. Michael wanted to hold his guitar in his hands and go at it, he wanted to pour his heart and soul into the music and forget about all the problems surrounding his life at the moment. "L.A. traffic is atrocious." Michael then added, wanting them to know what held him up.

"Whatever you say, Mike." Calum scoffed, rolling his eyes at the faux blond. Calum isn't fond of his friend at the moment. He's not entirely sure why he's even shown up to band practice. Especially after he shattered Luke's heart into a million pieces. Leaving Calum and Ashton to pick up the pieces and help their friend back on his feet. They didn't appreciate coming over to Luke's apartment to see him crumbled to the floor in a heap, his face was red and blotchy, eyes wide and puffy from the tears flowing freely down his cheeks. They couldn't believe the sight in front of them and it's not something they'd want to see again.

Michael looked at his friend for the first time since he walked in and Calum's face was emotionless. Everything Michael knows about Calum, how he doesn't stay mad at his friends long, how not even smiling at them means they really fucked up. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Calum rolled his eyes once more, "I don't know, maybe you were running late because you were too busy getting into your "boyfriends" pants. Is he a good fuck? Better than Luke? Is that why you cheated on him? To get yourself someone smaller and less broad, someone a but more submissive than Luke?"

Michael was at loss for words. He looked around the room hoping not to catch Luke staring at him with sad eyes, but he took notice that Luke and Ashton were't actually in the room yet, and he had never been more thankful after the spiteful words thrown at him from Calum.

"Excuse me? You don't know anything. Don't stand there and judge me when you don't know the whole situation."

"I know you cheated on Luke. I've never seen him cry so much. I don't think he's ever cried that much in his lifetime. The tears never stopped, they simply only slowed down and then would start back into full sobs. If that's not all of it, then enlighten me. I don't know what more you could've done with this situation to make it any better, Mike. You're guilty and you know it." Calum had his hand resting on his hip, staring at Michael, waiting for him to reply. This wasn't how he expected rehearsal to go. The boys expected Michael to ditch once again and they'd have to put off touring till they all got their shit together, or until they had a mutual agreement to get rid of Michael. They had a small meeting about it, but Luke wasn't having it. The band means so much to the blond and kicking Michael out was the last thing he wanted even after the terrible things he's had to go through.

"I-I know. I-I didn't-t mean to hurt him..." Michael stuttered, tears welling up in his eyes. Michael hated everything right now. He hated himself more-so than the rest. Everything was his fault. If only he had been a little less drunk that night and didn't kiss Luke when he knew there were cameras. This could've all been avoided if he had made better choices and a little less alcohol in his system. "It all happened so fast. I hate myself for what I've done, but theres nothing I can do about it now. Luke hates me and it's probably better that way... having him hate me." Michael wanted to shout and tell Calum everything. Spill every secret he's had to keep from this stupid stunt Jennifer is making him go through. It's ruining his life, but as long as Luke's not pulled into the mess everything would go according to plan and by the end of it Luke will never want to be in a relationship Michael again and Jennifer will have won this battle to protect her managements name.

Calum opened his mouth to speak, but the door flew open with a red-faced Luke. Michael took notice that he was either crying or yelling. The latter was confirmed when Ashton barreled through the door moments later looking pissed and avoided any contact with Luke. It was a sight that no one has really experienced before and Michael was shocked to say the least.

"Whats going on?" Calum asked first. "Were you two fighting?"

"Ashton won't let it go!" Luke screeched, neither Ashton nor Luke have acknowledged Michael's presence in the room and he's hoping it stays that way until they finish their spiel. "I will not agree to what you two want. I may not be fond of him at the moment, but I still love him. Kicking him out of the band is not the answer." Michael let out a tiny gasp, Ashton and Luke whipping around to see the faux blond standing behind them. And there is was, Michael's fear all along, even though he wouldn't be angry at them if that's what they did decide. He deserved it and he knew it. Even if this band, his friends, Luke, meant the world to him. Michael would leave if that's what they wanted.

"Michael–" Luke started, but stopped. Luke didn't know what to say, he wasn't expecting Michael to actually be there for rehearsal, let alone hear about what they had talked about.

"No, I get it. I–This band, means a lot to me. Being able to express myself through music rather than words I could never say, but I will leave if that's what you want. I'm sure Jennifer could find you another guitarist to fill my place." Michael said sadly, scuffing his foot softly across the ground. He wouldn't look at Luke although he could feel his heavy gaze on him, tearing apart every inch of Michael. Luke's trying to find the lie in his words, but he'll never find them.

"There!" Ashton shouted in approval, "We don't even have to kick him out. He'll willingly leave."


"Luke, c'mon. It's for the best and you know it." Ashton argued, Calum stood off to the side near Michael and even though he was in on the plan actually saying it out loud in front of Michael felt so incredibly wrong. Michael has done a lot of wrong this past week and a half, but Calum's starting to think maybe he's just making mistakes and that's a part of life. Even if it wasn't something they could overlook, like him cheating on Luke and is already dating someone else, but sometimes these things happen out of nowhere and no one actually expects them.

"We formed this band as four best friends wanting to make a bit of a difference in this world. Without Michael we're not 5 Seconds of Summer, we'll just be another band who didn't last and no one will know who we are come five years." Luke sighed, running his slender fingers through his blond hair. Michael watched every movement that occurred from Luke, as if he'd forget what Luke looked like touching his hair, his face, his expressions. Michael wanted to take it all in.

"You were a heap of skin and bones on your apartment floor because of this asshole." Ashton retorted, throwing his hands up in the air. "Continuing with him will only make it worse for you."

"You're not understanding my side, Ashton! I love Michael, whether somewhere deep down he still feels the same, kicking him out of the band will not solve anything. It'll turn our fans against us. Because you can't just tell them Michael cheated on me and that's why he's gone." Luke sniffled, rubbing his hands across his face in frustration. "If Michael is gone nothing stays the same."

With that, Luke turned around and abruptly left the room, signaling once again practice was over before it even started.


hey hey, how are you guys?

please let me know your thoughts! there were no comments on the last chapter and that's kinda why this took longer than usual, like even if the chapter was horrible or you want me to go on about something else in the story let me know so i can improve.

thanks for reading!

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