Chapter Twenty-Six

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^^^just gonna leave that picture there to perk up your feelings for this story lmao^^^^^^^^

"I see Luke has found someone new." Jennifer smiled, folding her hand together and placing them on her lap. "Have you had the pleasure of meeting her yet?"

Michael scowled at her, wanting nothing more than to be back in bed cuddled next to his friends. "Oh fuck off." Michael spat, grumbling about her atrocious personality and how she's been nothing but a shitty person from the beginning.

"It's hard to believe you're twenty when you barely act like it." Jennifer tsked, shaking her head at the musician.

"It's hard to believe you're almost fifty when you're a bully to the kids you have signed to your management. Maybe if you would've acted your age and not have been a down right bitch about Luke and I's relationship you wouldn't have to have these meetings with me." Michael rolled his eyes, leaning back in the chair.

"Don't use that tone with me." Jennifer said, irritated by the boy in front of her.

"You're not my mother," Michael shrugged. "You're our bands management and you're not doing very well at keeping us together to make you money. You've been the shittiest management and I question everyday why everyone thinks you're top notch."

"Hmm, how is your mother? I bet she'd love to get a call from me." Jennifer rose one of her perfectly shaped brows at Michael, waiting for him to stop her as he would be afraid of what his mother would do in the situation, but she already knows what's happening. Momma Clifford would give Jennifer her own wrath.

"Go for it." Michael smirked.


"Luke's here." Ashton announced, making Michael whip around so fast he was sure he gave himself a mild case of whiplash from the force. Luke was there. Coming into Michaels new apartment that he shares with Troye. Even if Troye has been busy and gone a lot recently with Connor. Luke will still see everything and know it's not all Michael's.

Luke walked in carrying a large brown box. His hair was flat and pressed down to the side of his face, his eyes were sparkling. Luke looked more alive than Michael has felt in awhile.

"Nice apartment," Luke commented, giving Michael a small smile. Michael muttered out a small thanks, his eyes never leaving Luke. Luke had a way in which he carried himself. You couldn't tell what he was dealing with on the inside because on the outside he made everyone feel at ease with his charming smile and outgoing personality. He captivated you.

"Oh, and here's your things back. I figured you'd actually want the rest of your clothes since you left in such a hurry with everything else." Luke shoved the overflowing box of nicknacks, and random articles of clothing Michael had given to Luke in the beginning of their relationship. There was a sharp pang in Michaels chest when he looked through the contents of the box he was holding. It was everything and he just wanted to shove it back into Luke's arms and tell him to keep it all.

"You don't want this?" Michael held out the very first stuffed animal he had won for Luke on their very first date. Luke has had it for all these years. Taking it on tours and sleeping with it every night because it was something he had come accustomed to over their relationship.

Luke gnawed at his bottom lip, he had thrown that in there because he wanted to move on from what they had. Getting rid of that would finalize it for the younger blond. "No..."

Michael looked at him with sad eyes. It was all too much. Having a box of clothes he left thrown at him was something he expected, but all the small things he had given Luke and that the blond had cherished had been given back as if they meant nothing. "You love this little guy. It's seen the world with you." Michael sad sadly, looking down at the stuffed animal in his hands.

"You gave it to me at the start of our relationship and I don't want to have it sitting by me in bed or on a shelf reminding me of what we once had. I'd never be able to move on from you if I held onto everything that reminded me of you or was yours." Luke sighed, rubbing at his eyes to stop himself from crying. He's shed enough tears over Michael and he wasn't about to do it in front of him.

"Don't then." Michael mumbled, "Don't move on."

Luke laughed, looking at the faux blond he's been in love with for as long as he could remember with amusement in his eyes. "You break my heart and then tell me to wait around? That's not how life works Michael. If you wanted me you should've thought about that before you went off to that little twink."

"Luke–" Michael started, but got interrupted by Calum and Ashton walking in and looking at them both as if they were caught doing something they shouldn't have been. Michael felt like his mother herself walked into the room and started scolding him, but it was just his best friends giving them cold glares.

"You two need to stop. You two were best friends long before you were lovers. Go back to that if that is what it takes." Ashton said sternly, "Now hug it out."

Luke rolled his eyes and turned his nose up to the idea, but Michael knew what Ashton was doing. The honey haired lad was trying his best to get them on better terms. Knowing well enough that when they aren't in the same room they're either crying or talking about the other. They both ignored the order, but didn't make an effort to move elsewhere away from the situation at hand.

Michael contemplated his next move for a moment before he decided he'd try one last time and if Luke didn't want it he'd keep it tucked away safely until they got a chance to clear the air and tell Luke about everything happening to Michael and why their relationship fell to pieces in the matter of days. "Please just keep this. Just this one thing, it's all I ask." Michael mumbled sadly, handing off the stuffed animal to Luke. Luke didn't protest this time, holding it close to his chest like he would at night. Michael smiled to himself before pushing past the blond with the cardboard box in hand to place in his room.


This really didn't flow the way I wanted it to but everything that needed to happen did, I just didn't achieve it correctly. Sigh.

Anyway hello this is the third update in the past three days loVE ME!


Luke giving Michael some stuff back?

The stuffed animal? )-:

Cashton stepping into the situation like the dads they are?

Thanks for reading cuties!

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