Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Michael sat in the middle of his room going through the box of items Luke had given back.

Every shirt Luke had stolen from Michael.

Souvenirs from countries they visited–they had this thing where if they did something special together in a country they'd find something related to it, leaving Michael with a box of small keepsakes to morn over.

There were photos dating back to them as children, so naive and clueless to what would come in the near future.

The random coffee mugs Michael had collected, but Luke was the one who always ending up using them to get a reaction out of Michael in the morning.

Stuffed animals Michael surprised Luke with whenever he saw one that reminded him of the blond.

Movie ticket stubs. Old concert tickets.

Polaroids of small intimate moments for their eyes only.

It was absolutely everything.

Michael tried his hardest to hold back the tears, having cried enough throughout all of this, but a few more silent tears slipped by and ran down his cheeks.

The realization that nothing would ever be the same between he and Luke horrified him. Even after explaining the situation to Luke, there was no guarantee on what the outcome would be. Everything is real to Luke, the cheating scandal, the new boyfriend, everything, and Michael knows that, but for right now there's nothing he can do about it except hope and pray when the chance comes to spill all the secrets, that the love of his life will take him back.


As Michael placed the box back in the corner of his closet, he heard the doorbell and then a faint knock following quickly after.

The faux blond made his way out into the hallway and towards the front door. He wasn't expecting anyone, but when he pulled open the door he wasn't expecting Luke to be on the other side. Luke barely said a few words to Michael last night while he was at the apartment, what else could the blond possibly say or give back.

Except that's when Michael heard it, the quiet sound of someone else's voice as they rushed up to the door having come from a car that had dropped them off.

It was her.

Michael was going to vomit and maybe cry a little more if Luke was doing what he thought he was doing.

Luke turned his head to the side when he heard her approaching, a genuine smile making it's way onto his face. Michael heart fell straight out of his ass the second Luke's lips touched hers as he greeted her.

Michael could slam the door on Luke, he really could. The blond was just outside the threshold of his front door. Michael could end the pain of what's to come before it even starts. Except, this is Luke. The same Luke that Michael hurt in every way possible when this whole fake boyfriend came between them. Michael has no right to be mad.

"Uh, can we come in?" Luke asked after a moment of standing there in silence.

Michael walked away from the door, leaving it open for the two to come in on their own. Michael saw their linked hands, the blush on Luke's cheeks, the grin on her face.

Michael never thought he'd witness the day Luke started to fall out of love with him, even after everything that's gone on. Michael never expected this to happen, even though realistically he didn't expect Luke to wait around forever, but he also didn't expect him to move on so quickly. Especially after so many years, but maybe that's what Luke had going through his mind when he saw the rumors and then the actual confirmation from Michael that he did cheat in the eyes of everyone who knew.

Michael sat down in an armchair across the couch that the couple sat down on, their limbs tangled together so close that Michael wishes he would've slammed the door in their faces while he had a chance.

"Not to sound rude or anything, but why are you here with some girl that I have no recollection of meeting?" Michael grumbled, slouching in his seat.

Luke rolled his eyes, knowing he'd get some bitter reaction out of his ex. "This is Hailey!" She waved a little at Michael, sending him a shy smile. "We're kind of together now and I wanted you to be the first to know. Since you're still my best friend."

"Oh." Was the only thing Michael could think of saying. He remembers the photos the paparazzi took of Luke and Hailey only a short time ago, he knew this was bound to happen, but now Michael's plan of telling Luke everything is thrown out the window. Luke's sitting right in front of him, with his new girlfriend and Luke just has the most genuine smile on his face. After everything Michael has put Luke through, the blond deserves everything ounce of happiness in his life.
"Well, uh, I'm happy for you."

"Really?" Luke asked, eyes wide in shock while Hailey stayed quiet by his side.

"Yeah, hopefully she'll treat you right." Michael gave him a tight closed mouth smile.

Michael knew for sure in that moment that was exactly what Jennifer wanted to happen. She wanted to tear the two so far apart that this would happen, making Michael the miserable one in the end.


I love being so busy that I never have time to write any more .–. It's just the greatest....not.

anyway, how are you guys doing? It's been awhile since I've updated.


Michael going through the box?

Luke bringing Hailey over?

Michael starting to give up hope?

Thanks for reading guys, I love you lots!

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