Chapter Nineteen

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"Hey guys, it's Troye! I'm here with the incredibly talented and very lovable Michael Clifford! We're here to answer some questions for you."

Luke took note of how close Michael was sat next to Troye on the bed. Jutting his bottom lip out to pout at his computer screen. He was upset with Michael, but he wanted to learn how to continue on, no matter how much it hurt him inside to see the man he loves with another guy. Luke was torturing himself with this video, but there was no one in the apartment to stop him from tearing himself apart. Calum had gone out with someone and left before Luke could question him, Ashton was with some other friends drinking beer, and Luke was at home crying at a video Michael's new boyfriend posted to his YouTube channel.

"This one is for you Michael," Troye giggled, smiling brightly at the faux blond next to him. "This person wants know how you wooed me before we started dating?"

Luke watched as Michael diverted his gaze, nervously chewing on his bottom lip. Michael was hesitating with his answer and Luke was throughly confused. If Michael liked this guy shouldn't he remember the important parts of their relationship? Even the small things from the beginning?

"I-I'm honestly surprised my attempts at wooing you worked. I'm crazy awkward–as a majority of my bands fanbase knows–with dating, and all that stuff. Like, it must've been my dashing good looks that won you over..."

Luke frowned, Michael was letting his old self break through the barrier he worked so hard on forgetting. Michael was incredible talented, his personality was the one thing you fell in love with first, his smile that shined brighter than the stars, every about Michael could make you melt in the palm of his hands and he didn't know how great he was. Luke wanted to bundle him up in blankets and spoon ice cream into the faux blonds mouth while they cuddled, wanted to give him kisses while they laid down to watch a movie, Michael deserved that and he'd make himself out to be less than he's worth.

"Definitely the good looks. You're quite the looker." Troye winked before he started to scroll down on his phone for more questions. "Oh here's a good one, would we ever tour together? Have me as an opening act for your band? How cool would that be?"

Luke scoffed loudly, "Over my dead body you boyfriend stealer."

"I'd love that." Michael smiled  (Luke took note that is was definitely not Michael's real smile), kissing Troye softly on the cheek.

They were answering more questions, but Luke stopped focusing on the questions and closed out of the browser that he had Youtube pulled up on and turned off his laptop. He didn't want to see the one person he's ever loved be happy with someone else, even if he didn't truly believe the relationship they had, it was still happening and it hurt more than words could even begin to describe.


Luke found himself wandering around the apartment. Some of Michael's things were still there, coffee mugs he's picked up from different countries, socks, old t-shirts, family photos. Small things that could easily be forgotten or left in hopes that he's be back soon to retrieve them. Michael left their home in such a rush that it made Luke wonder what his intentions truly started out to be. One day they're talking about the future and raising a family together when they finish with the band, then next he's gone and he's not coming back. Luke took all the small moments for granted thinking they'd get the next day together to continue their dreams, but they won't be able to now. Not with Michael gone off with a different guy, not when their band they've tried to perfect is slowly crumbling down around them. Nothing will be the same between them ever again, but Luke can't help and dream that their life could go back to normal one day.

Luke found Michael's old blink-182 hoodie deep in their once shared closet, holding it under his nose to breathe in the faint scent of Michael still lingering on the fabric. Luke missed being able to hold Michael close whenever he wanted, cuddling him in the morning when they'd wake up or at night right before they fell asleep. It was the little things Luke craved the most.

Digging some more through the closet Luke found a piece of notebook paper folded up inside one of Michaels leather jackets pocket. Luke was confused on what it was, but the paper was old and worn at the edges only sparking his curiosity a bit more. When he unfold the piece of notebook paper he was shocked that that it was definitely Michael's handwriting on the pages. Some was written rather neat and the rest resembled chicken scratch and Luke couldn't make out the words at first. It looked like a song, one Michael would start to write in the morning and then by the end of the day his ideas would be spewing left and write and he could write fast enough for his own good. 

Luke scanned over the pages again before it all started to come together, he held back a choked cry biting down harshly on his bottom lip. It was the first song Michael was proud of writing, he put everything he had into the lyrics and it turned out beautifully, but Luke had never seen this piece of paper before, didn't know where it started from. On the top of the paper it read THE ONLY REASON in big block letters, and then right underneath the title it read "for Luke Hemming, my one and only reason.".

Michael wrote it for him. Only him, and he was so clueless to it at the time, more focused on their music that they'd be releasing rather than what song his boyfriend wrote about him. It made him feel terrible for not thanking Michael and giving him a million kisses when he first heard it.

Everything is crumbling down around him and it's all leading back to Michael. Luke doesn't know how to keep moving forward without the other half of him that's missing. 

Luke needed Michael, but Michael could do just fine without him. That's what hurt Luke the most.



I AM SO SO SORRY YOU GUYS HAD TO WAIT THIS LONG FOR A CHAPTER! I knew what i wanted to write but i didn't have the time to sit down and write it the way it should be. 

I'm going to try and update again this weekend to make up for the lack of ones this month. 

i love you guys, thanks for reading! and don't forget to comment!! <3

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