Chapter Thirty-Six

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Luke was giving Hailey one more chance. Not that she did anything drastically wrong, but he couldn't handle being around her anymore. Their relationship wasn't what he expected it to turn out to be. Luke couldn't help but compare everything she did differently, to what Michael would've done to his specification. That should've been a red flag to him from the beginning that this wouldn't work out, not when he loved Michael more than anyone else on this earth. No one could ever replace Michael.

"Are you even listening to me, Luke?" Hailey huffed out in frustration, clearly irritated that Luke was lost in thought and not listening to her go on about the new clothing she purchased yesterday, as if he wasn't there beside her during it all.

"No," Luke replied sheepishly. He stole a french fry off her plate, giving her an innocent smile that he'd listen to her now. "Sorry."

"You're definitely not."

Luke eyes widen in surprise by her accusation. "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Anymore you're so lost in thought when we're together. It's almost as if I don't matter to you that much. What's so great that it's completely taken over your thoughts?" Hailey whined, no one ever ignored her.

"Of course you matter, but you're acting like a spoiled brat. You weren't like this when we first met." Luke commented, wanting any reaction out of her. He needed another reason in his mind to end this between them. He's never personally broken someone's heart, he's only been on the receiving end. Even if Michael's was fake it still hurt, more than anything. No burn or broken bone could about to the pain flooding his veins the moment Michael said he didn't love him anymore.

"People can change." Hailey shrugged, taking a sip of her iced tea.

Luke's eyes widened in surprise. "People can change over the course of a relationship, but it hasn't even been a month of us together."

"It can still happen."

"It can," Luke agreed, "but yours isn't a good change and it's irritating!" He exclaimed, standing up from their table in the corner.

Hailey followed suit, not expecting Luke to blow up like this. "Babe, you need to calm down. You don't need to cause a scene." She warned, laying her hand gently on his bicep so he'd sit back down and they could finish their lunch.

Luke laughed, rolling his eyes at the brunette. "I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?"


"I'm not stupid! I know when I'm being used for publicity. I wasn't born yesterday, Hailey."

"That's not true," Hailey gaped. "I-I would never." Sputtering and trying to make sense of what was happening, Luke just shook her arm off him and reached for his keys and wallet off the table.

"I'm leaving." Luke stated, turning around to leave before he stopped at her pleas to stay. Slowly turning back around, Luke locked eyes with the small brunette he thought he felt something for, but he was sad and craving comfort in the worst ways. "And we're over. Don't text or call because I won't answer."

"Luke!" Hailey shouted, but Luke was already out of the restaurant and down the street. He needed to cool off, he needed to find Michael.


Michael opened the apartment door and was shocked to find Luke standing on the other side. "What are you doing here?" Michael asked in surprise, but Luke didn't answer, he just stood there and stared at Michael's tousled hair and red rimmed eyes.

"Have you been crying?" Luke asked worriedly. It took everything in the blond not to swoop the faux blond in his arms and hold him.

Michael laughed humorlessly, "When haven't I been."

Luke's face fell, "Oh."

"Yeah," Michael shrugged his shoulders, "So, what brings you to the front porch of my humble abode? Not that I don't mind you being here, it's just been a rare thing to see recently since you've been out with that one girlfriend of yours, what was her name? Basil? Bailey?"

Luke nervously rubbed the back of his neck, a small smile formed on his lips as he listened to Michael speak of Hailey. The jealously seeping through every word, it made Luke's tummy flutter like it always had when Michael jealous over everyone at the beginning of their relationship years ago. "Um, well ex-girlfriend, but yeah, I don't know why I ended up here... I just missed you?"

"You don't seem to sure... Please don't say anything you're going to regret. I know I hurt you in the worst way possible, but it hurt me just as much to do it to you. I still don't know how to recovery from it, so please choose your words carefully, Luke. I don't know how much more I could handle." Michael pleaded, his heart pounding in his chest. Luke showed out of the blue, claiming he's now single and he missed him. Michael didn't know how to take all this in at once, he could probably cry tears of happiness or just tears in general any moment.

"I miss you, Mikey." Luke said desperately, trying to convey what he was feeling. He was putting everything back on the table.

Luke needed Michael to understand.

Luke wanted Michael back.



soo... how's it going?


Luke dumping Hailey?

Luke showing up on Michaels doorstep? Saying he missed him?

Wanting Michael back? (who wouldn't smh)

fyi.... We'll be hearing from Jennifer next chapter, rip. Still a lot to go in this book adfaifknjdnvo.

I LOVE YOU GUYS! thanks for reading❤️

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