Chapter Thirteen

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"Hello Michael," Jennifer smiled, she sat at the head of the long conference table with a stack of paper placed directly in from of her. Her legs were crossed giving Michael a view of her fiery red heels, Michael wanted to point out they looked like devil horns, not that he'd be surprised if she was secretly the devil. With what he's had to go through recently to protect his band, his boyfriend, and their "managements name" which was utter bullshit to him.

"Why am I here?" Michael asked bitterly, he wasn't having it with her today. If he had to suffer through breaking Luke's heart and feeling his own chest cave in, because Michael swore whatever Luke's feeling right now is being transferred directly to him and he can feel the blond boys emotions. His whole day has felt completely off and it definitely had something to do with Luke.

"To talk about your recent achievement." Jennifer smiled, resting her elbow on top of the table and letting her eyes rest of Michael's face. She knew this was the last place he'd want to be, but she was simply doing her job and keeping the band intact.

Michael scoffed, "What achievement? Breaking my best friends heart? Having to lie to him and say I cheated? When you have someone as beautiful as Luke, inside and out, the thought of cheating doesn't cross your mind. Not even once, and for me to have told him that I did to his face and then leave with Troye by my side broke him entirely. So if that's what you call an achievement, have fun putting a band with broken members back together."


"What did the devil want?" Troye asked, he was laying across Connors lap on the couch in the living room when Michael walked into the apartment. Michael hadn't asked them yet on what's going on between them, but he assumed it's best that they both don't go digging too deep into one another's personal lives. Michael just assumed they were together and that was that. And the only safe place was the apartment or Connors house since he's over at Michael and Troye's shared apartment more than Michael is.

"To talk about my 'recent achievement', which was a bunch of bullshit." Michael collapsed on the love-seat diagonal of the couch. "Who's that messed up to congratulate someone on telling the one person they love more than anyone that they cheated on them? I can't believe she's our manager, I want her gone." Rubbing at his face, Michael sighed and looked at two boys cuddled together on the couch. It reminded him too much of Luke. It reminded him too much on what they have or what they had.

"That woman seriously needs help," Connor stated, wrapping one arm securely around Troye's waist. "I can't believe you have to go through all of this. All because of what? A few drunken photos got released and proved what? That you and your friend get a little hands-y when you go out to drink?"

"Finally, someone who has common sense!" Michael exclaimed, "Everyone has always said things about Luke and I, how they'd think we'd be an adorable couple, but no one actually believed we were. Even with those photos no one cared. It was all just things like "Wow I'm so muke af", y'know things fans would say. Jennifer has made this into the worst situation possible. I just need to tell Luke the truth even if he doesn't believe me now."

"Wait, when everything happened he claimed this wasn't the real you. Maybe there's still some part of that left in him after that heartbreaking moment. If he does know you as well as he claims, then if we sit down and explain all of this to him, we get into this situation together. Work against Jennifer?"

Michael sighed, not sure if it's really the best thing to bring Luke into this even more. Luke's a terrible liar and if Jennifer was onto them they could get into even more trouble with their management. Michael is doing this to save Luke from being pulled into this mess, saving the band even if it forms enemies with his best friends. Everything Michael is doing is for them. They wouldn't be the same band without him, so if he has to lie a little to keep their lives normal he'll do whatever it takes.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea. Especially after what just went down with him yesterday. This would hurt him, to know that I've been lying to him all this time. He'd wonder why I didn't come to him right away, but Jennifer is living off the fact that everything I'm doing is making him sad. Because when Luke is sad he pours his heart and soul into music, all those songs he'll be writing just look like dollar signs to her."

"So we're going to keep it to ourselves and hope for the best?" Troye asked, looking at Michael with such a sad expression. Michael didn't quite know what to do, but honestly just hoping for the best was all he could do at the moment."

"Yeah, for now at least. Luke can't know about this yet. Let me get back in a good place with my friends and move forth with my band and hope this all doesn't come back to bite me in the ass even more."

Troye nodded, not liking where this was going but he couldn't force Michael to tell Luke. As much as it pained him to see his newest friend going through all of this simply because he was in love. "Well, if we're going to keep moving forward we need to be a bit more convincing. Do you have any tips Connor?"

Connors face lit up, "I have plenty. Troye mentioned the other day that this Jennifer lady wanted you two to do a Youtube video together, right? Well, Troye and I could do a Q&A collab and we'll have you read off questions from twitter and see what arises. You could even switch off with Troye half way through and it'll just be us talking about your music, act like we're letting everyone in on a little secret."

"You think that'll convince enough people about Troye and I?" Michael asked, nervousness lacing his voice. He knew enough about youtube that people religiously watch some people, and this video could either solve some issues or form even more.

"Probably, we could make the thumbnail a picture of Troye kissing your cheek to grab people's attention. We just won't know the outcome until afterwards."

"I-Yeah, let's do that if you think it'll work. Anything to get Jennifer off my back as well."


this took so long, omg i'm so sorry. I was easily distracted while writing this. I get distracted while writing anyway, but this was ridiculous.

anywayyyyy, this story is an emotional rollercoaster for me to write and i'm mad at myself for making it that way. i'm making myself cry over fictional muke being angry and sad about one another.

let me know your thoughts, i like to know what's running through your heads while reading this mess lol

thanks for reading cuties! ily

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