Past caring.

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"Jay, I need to talk to you." Said Candace, pushing me a bit away and taking his hand.

She winked at me and left with him to the corner. I still saw them though, only Jay was looking at me. This is it. This is it, this was the moment. Candace was finally talking to him about me. I don't see why everyone thinks she's wicked and poisoned.

"Candace kept laughing and smiling, like she was flirting with him or something. She's a really nice person doing this for me.

Then, that's when I realised what she was doing; she learned in and pressed her body against his and kissed him. How could she? She's more twisted than I thought.

I felt my cheeks turning bright red, it became too hot. I had to get out of there.

I left Jordan's house without saying good bye and got a taxi home at least my parents will be happy I'm not pissed out of my mind.

I get home and go straight to my room, I launch myself on my bed and the springs fall out of place, my bed doesn't even want me. I cry pathetic little whimpers. I feel as if I'm by myself and that's the way I'll always be.

"Violet," My mum entered my bedroom and I quickly wiped my face. My cheeks were still puffed up and there was no use pretending I wasn't crying when it was blatantly obvious.

"You've been crying, what's wrong?, oh I wish you'd talk to me. We used to get on alright and now our relationship is sinking," she says.

I make little noises to let her know I am listening. She's saying all the right things and I'm just being stubborn.

"Is it a boy? You can tell me,"

Is it a boy? Why do parents think the worse. I scrunch up into a ball just a little bit more and grip the sheets tight.

She got the message I didn't want talking and left me alone.


The alarm goes off on the side. I've been getting up two hours early since I was spending time with Candace.

I pressed the snooze button a bit too hard and everything tumbled to the ground.

I don't care.

I burry my head in between my pillows and try to go back to sleep but then my phone starts to vibrate.

It was on silent, I answer not aware of who it could be.

"Hello?," I say.

"Vi. Have you just woken up? You need to get ready and meet me outside in an hour. I'll be round with Rachel and Ash!" Candace hanged up.

She can't think I'm going to drop at her command does she?

I tighten my bra satraps while getting out the shower, I didn't bother with makeup and somehow managed to tie my hair up.

I don't care.

"Violet!" My mum shouts from the bottom of the stairs.

I take one more look at myself in the mirror and I look hideous and I know it however I get my things and leave.

"Get in," Candace's silky blonde hair practically blinded me as I stepped outside my front door.

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