Party Time

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I couldn't believe it. I Violet was sat on Candace's double bed with a pink silky lining. Her walls were coated in dark pink and posters of one direction, the hottest boy band in England! her room was massive and she had her own onsuite bathroom she was in there at the moment. Ashley was listening to music in one corner of the room while Rachel was deciding what to wear in the other, Candace had a walk in wardrobe so I could just see Rachel bobbing in and out quite a hilarious sight and here I am just sat here Chelsea was reapplying her makeup asking the other girls what colour she should use. I just sat patiently waiting on the bed I didn't want to touch anything incase I broke it. Candace stepped out of her bathroom with a short purple fluffy dressing gown and cute little slippers to match and a white towel on top of her head "Violet, why aren't you ready?" what?, I didn't know I needed to get ready like now. "it's ok, you can use the bathroom down the hallway and come back here when you need some clothes we will sort you something adorable to wear" ok, thanks. I hurried towards the bathroom I knocked twice no one answered so I opened the door the bathroom was grey marble, there was a jacuzzi right in the middle of the room and a shower in the corner. I decided to turn the shower on I flinched as the water fell onto my arm I pulled away and waited for the water to get hot. I then took my jacket off and hung it up on the door I slid my jeans off and my black cotton knickers with the little frills I lifted my top off and undid the latch on my bra. I examined my body a little closer in the mirror and then got into the shower I won't go into detail .

I opened the door and the room was full of steam "shit,shit,shit!' I forgot to open the window, everything was fogged up! I grabbed a fresh towel from the counter and wrapped it round me and then another for my soaking wet hair. I wrapped it round tight an then headed straight back to Candace's room. I was opening the door when I was face-to-face with a guy with sandy blonde hair and sparking blue eyes I ran into him. My towel slid right off "ARGH!" we both screamed I quickly picked up the towel in embarrassment. "who are you?" He asked!. I couldn't find the words to speak "I-I-I'm" I stuttered. "are you a friend of Candace?" I finally came out with a word "yes"

he then walked into the bathroom and I didn't look back I just walked into Candace's room bright red in the face "Violet oh em gee, what's happened?" nothing, I-I erm. Do you have a brother by any chance?! "Yeah, he's called Tom and don't get me started how much of a pain he is, more to the question why?" erm well I was having a shower and I was coming out and well erm "don't tell me he walked in on you?" not exactly I opened the door and I walked into him and erm my towel fell to the floor and I'm so embarrassed by myself!! Candace, Ash, Rach and Chelsea all looked at me in astonishment then burst out laughing, "He did what?-" Candace couldn't even finish her sentence without laughing I just felt myself going redder and redder.

it took ten minutes for them to stop laughing and then another 5 minutes for them to calm down and then we was sat in complete silence. I don't mean to impose but could I have something to dry my hair? "oh god yes, forgot you was in a tow-" she started laughing again and so did Ashley and Chelsea. "What's so funny?" Rachel asked. we all looked at her and then we was all laughing. After our laughing session I was sat down at Candace's makeup table. I was sat on her leopard print stool. while everyone was fussing over me. Chelsea was sorting out what colour eyeshadow I should have while Rachel was colour coordinating the shoes and Ashley was putting my hair into lose fitted curls and the queen bee was deciding what I should wear "there's really no need for all this. I don't really wear makeup and high heels aren't my style" "don't be silly makeup is a girls bestfriend and heels are to die for!" Candace protested so I just sat quiet and let them do whatever they had to do.

A few hours later we was all ready to go to Jordan's house party.

we all looked amazing, well I don't know about myself but I felt like I was wearing a lot of makeup and very little clothes. and VERY tall high heels!!

Rachel was wearing a very glamorous sparkly dress with matching stilettos and her hair was up in bobby pins and a thick coat of makeup.

Ashley was wearing a plain black dress with dark black heel boots with black nail varnish and her hair was back combed big and messy.

Chelsea was wearing high waisted short shorts with a baby tee and her hair was in bouncy tight curls.

Candace's outfit stood out the most she was looking very gorgeous in a short bright green skirt and bright pink tight top. She definitely had the Katy Perry look going on. and her makeup was outstanding her lipstick was the brightest pink you could think of. Her eyes were shining with sparkles of rimmel eyeshadow. Her cheeks flushed with baby pink blusher and thick long luscious eyelashes.

her hair long, thick and blonde she even put her fringe in.

And me.. I was wearing a slimming black and pink dress with a moustache necklace and ring I had pink matching wedges and my hair was in big lose curls my makeup was light but felt heavy I had baby pink eyeshadow, cat eyes and pale pink lips coated with thick ravishing lipgloss.

"We look hot!" Candace implied.

"alright lets go-oh" Rachel said in a sing song way.

"Whooo, party" Ashley screeched as she fluffed up her hair.

"I wanna get wasted" Chelsea cheered!

"lets go girls!" I smiled with joy.

"Whoooo" we all screamed with excitement.

Candace pulled up outside a house where some teenagers were dossing outside we all got out of the car and stood outside the front porch Ashley knocked on the door. A guy with light brown hair answered the door "Candy, you made it!" He shouted. "I always do don't I?" She invited herself in and we all followed it wasn't your typical family party followed by pass the parcel and eat cake and ice cream

their was extremely loud music people were everywhere dressed up wasn't the word they were wearing hardly any clothes at all. there were tons of cans already on the table people were dancing and just enjoying themselves. Rachel started dancing and made her way over to the drinks table she got each of us a shot "Fuck school" She toasted I couldn't agree more and we drank it down and another and another and so on.

"you having a good time?" Yes, this the best party I've been to! she laughed and carried on dancing.

I was dancing an then I looked at the time it was half ten I'm going to be in serious shit. "do you really care?" Ash asked. my parents haven't seen me since this morning I should get going. "Really?, aw Vi" I should call a cab I'll be back in five minutes I need some air. I stumbled outside my head was reeling and what I noticed outside there's a pool where everyone was just letting themselves go. I noticed it was getting later and later and still no show of Jay where could

he be? he said he was gonna be here he said 'definitely'

I waited a few minutes longer and then I got a phone call from the taxi driver he was outside I said good bye to the girls and got into the taxi I told

him the address and headed home.

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