Bacon and nosebleeds

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Rachel's POV

"Rachel I made you breakfast!"

I opened my eyes. Jordan was towering over me with complementary of a fry up.

"After breakfast. I was thinking we could watch a few films in bed and then tonight, I could treat you properly." His eyes sparkled as he spoke.

He places the tray on the bed and climbs in and takes a bite out the toast.

I look at the food. He's put so much effort into making, he's even made a face with the eggs as eyes, bacon for the mouth. Toast for the hair and hashbrowns for the cheeks completed with a sausage for the nose in fact it's got two noses.

"This is really nice and all but." My voice trails off. "But where's the ketchup?" I change the tone completely he's gone to all this trouble.

"I didn't know if you wanted some or not. I'll be right back." He wonders off.

My heads reeling, I bloody hope we didn't do anything last night.

"Look his nose is bleeding." He says as he squeezes the sauce onto the sausages creating a nosebleed.

"Mines had a bad accident." He pours the entire remains all over his and laughs like an idiot.

I gaze at the food carefully before eating any. The crispy pink bacon, the metallic white eggs with a runny yoak, the warm smell of toast whiffs into the air I can taste it without biting. The butter glistens the crust cut off in all the right places. I couldn't resist.

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