Chapter 7

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I was panting hard from angry burst of yelling. I could feel the tears that were on my face. I was crying. I quickly wiped away my tears.

Harry stood there hovering on his board. He was shocked by what all I had said.

My spidey senses tingled and I saw it before it happened.

My eyes widened. "HARRY!!"

I saw the explosion and Harry's limp body started falling from his now destroyed glider.

Out of instinct I jumped off the building and reached out my arms to grab him. Tears flew from my face and I was panicking. I was not losing him. Not again. I couldn't afford to lose another person I cared about. He's all I have left.

I grabbed the back of his suit and pulled him to my body. I flipped us over so my back was facing the concrete ground. I was panicking so much that I had forgotten about my web shooters that were on my wrists.

I didn't realize it but when I closed my eyes tightly some tears still slipping, Harry had slowly opened his eyes. His head was under my chin.

I was talking without knowing. "I'm not losing you again Harry. Not like this. I can't handle it. I just can't lose you too. Your my best friend Harry. Your all I have left. I love you you stupid idiot. If I lose you I will never forgive myself for not being able to save you. I can't lose another person I care about. Not again. I'm sorry Harry. For everything."

Harry looked up at me without me knowing and smiled kindly. He closed his eyes falling back into unconsciousness.

My hood had fallen back when I fell and I knew I lost my sunglasses. I gasped in surprise and my eyes opened involuntarily as I felt someone grab me in midair. They were holding me and Harry both in their arms. I looked up to see the Hulks big green face. I smiled and saw that we were back in the tower again as he had jumped us inside.

Hulk set me and Harry down and I quickly laid Harry down and checked to see the extent of his injuries. I seen some burns but he looked otherwise okay. I looked at his neck and seen the webbed like black veins from the venom in his body. I clenched my fist in anger as I hadn't noticed that it was larger now.

I looked up when I felt eyes on me and heard gasps.

I forgot that I wasn't wearing my hood and sunglasses but right now I didn't care.

I seen Tony first. "Tony. I need your help. You need to help me make a cure. And fast. The venom is spreading and I'm not sure what it's doing to Harry's blood. Especially with his cancer cells. It could be killing him for all I know. You and Bruce are the smartest people here. If you can save him than the green goblin won't be a problem anymore. Please. I'm begging you here. Help my friend. I am sick and tired of fighting him when he's mentally unstable. I just can't afford to lose another person I care about. We.... we can make a cure. I... I know it." I take a deep breath and look back down at Harry. I close my eyes and shake it. "No choice."

Clint speaks up. "No choice for what kid?"

I open my eyes and stand up slowly. I look at them with my brown broken eyes. I sigh. "Let's see if Tony and Bruce can crack my father's formula better than me and Dr. Connors combined. You have a cell somewhere you can put Harry till I get back? Maybe even fix his injuries up and take the suit off of him. It's also warping his mind too. At least take the weapons parts off the suit. It's been healing him from some things. I'll be back. This spider has a hideout to look into to get some important documents."

I didn't look back as I walk off before I start running and then jumped off the building and shot out some webbing to get away.

I have to get my father's briefcase. I will not lose my friend again. This is my only chance to save his life and I'm taking it. With Tony Stark and Bruce Banner on my side to save him, Harry can be his old self again.

I will have my best friend back. That's a promise of a lifetime.

I swung a bit always before ditching my web slinging and walking for a bit.

I needed to calm my mind. The Avengers have seen my face and will probably figure out who I was. They probably don't realize that I actually have a death certificate over my head right now.

Everyone thinks I died with my Aunt May.

I lower my hood over my face more so as No one could see it.

I snuck my way to the train station where Roosevelt's hidden train is and put in a hidden coin I left to where I could sneak in. I waited and watched as the train came up from the ground under the tracks. I stepped into the train doors and seen all of the work I've been doing with all of my father's work together. I gathered the files I would need and safely tucked them into my book bag and my father's briefcase. I didn't put some of the stuff in it. At least not any of the things I didn't need. I took one coin and kept it with me so I could hide it like I had the other one. I sling my bag over my back and buckle it on my body. I seen a water bottle and downed it quickly. I nod. "Okay Pete. Time to go." I left.

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