Chapter 15

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I felt relieved when I was moved closer to Petey.

My hand was able to reach out slightly since I was still confined to the bed.

I gently grabbed Pete's hand and held it as he continued to fight his fevered state.

I didn't know what else to do besides watch him and comfort him by holding his hand for a grounder.

My tears had blinded me for a bit.

I couldn't see my best friend.

I opened my mouth and spoke in a strained voice as I tried not to show him I was crying.

"Pete... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... It's all my fault! Please... come back... Come back to me! Don't give up to your memories! Please!"

I fully started to bawl my eyes out.

I squeezed Peter's hand to let him know I was there.

I felt a small twitch come from his hand.

That's right Petey come back.

I know you can.

Your strong.



But most of all your Spider-Man and Peter Parker.

Together your the best man in the world.

You never think about yourself.

Your kind and sweet.

You make enemies just by using those funny puns of yours.

Your a hero buddy.

Your my hero too.

Just please...

Come back to me Petey...

Your all I've got left.

I'm sorry...

For everything I did and said.

Just come back so I can tell you word for word.

It wasn't fully me.

I was angry.


And scared.

I didn't want to die so I took the venom.

I should've listened to you.

Forgive me.

I just wish you'd open your eyes...

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