Chapter 11

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They say dreams are subconscious questions, feelings and thoughts that go through your head at night while you think.

I guess that explained why I was having a nightmare about all the people I lost and failed to protect and help.

I watched all thier deaths again and all of my mistakes...

I knew I was probably screaming but I didn't care.

They were my family.

My loved ones.

Even my friends...

My nightmare turned darker when I was surrounded by blood and dead bodies.


Oh god...

Why them?!

Why did the bodies have to be the Avengers?!

I was too much in shock that I was hyperventilating and freaking out.

In my nightmare I was on my hands and knees kneeling in everyone's blood letting it soak me to the bone.

I looked down at my hands with thier blood on it and tears running from my eyes. My breathing was really quick as I grabbed my head with my bloodied hands rocking back and forth as I kept repeating that it was just a dream.

In my nightmare, Harry stood above me with no emotion on his face.

I looked up at him with teary eyes filled with sorrow and fear.

My voice cracked as I spoke. "H..Ha..Har..ry..."

Harry looked down at me and spoke in a voice that sounded like his and everyone else's together as it had a slight echoey darkness to it. "All your fault.... its all your fault Peter. You killed us all. We're all dead because of you Peter. You could've saved us... Why didn't you save us Peter!? WHY!?!? YOU KILL EVERYONE AROUND YOU PETER! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! WE WOULDN'T HAVE DIED IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU!"

My heart shattered as I heard those words as my tears flowed faster and my heartbeat got slower.

My world slowed down as I could feel myself slipping.

I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't say a thing...

My nightmare world slipped away as I became engulfed by darkness.

I was floating there.

Thinking of nothing and yet everything as well.

Harry was right...

I do get everyone around me killed eventually.

How can I be a great Spider-Man if I Peter Parker keep getting my loved ones killed?

I knew right then and there that my heart stopped beating.

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