Interview | Jack IMAGINE #5

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imagine having to watch an interview of Jack from behind the scenes and one of the questions was about you and Jack.

"so Jack! your girlfriend [y/n]," the inte rviewer enthusiastically said and Jack started smiling just at the mention of your name,

"what about her?" Jack asked and looked at you.

you were blushing and smiled at him too.

"i hear that her funniness and creativity rubbed off on you that's why you're videos are so entertaining!" Jack laughed at this comment and so did you.

"i guess you could say that, sure." Jack said. you were admiring him so much that you didn't even realise that the camera was on you for a good two minutes.

"she's an actress, isn't she?" the interviewer asked.

"yeah, she's acted here and there. she's an amazing actress and she's quite the athlete too."

Jack replied and you kept wondering why they were lingering in these questions about you when the interview was meant to be about him.

"and how did you ask her to be your girlfriend?" you and Jack started laughing at this question because you both remember how he asked you to be his girlfriend.

"well, we have the clip of when Jack asked [y/n] to be his girlfriend." the interviewer said.

after the clip was played, you and Jack couldn't help but laugh.

"so how did that idea of megaphoning around in a car come about?" Jack calmed down a bit and breathed in deeply.

"i didn't want it to be the same old boring thing that almost every guy does so i came up with the idea of driving around her street to ask her to be my girlfriend," he briefly explained.

for the last five minutes of the interview, they have convinced you to join Jack so you sat beside him. "i wasn't prepared for this." you whispered to him so he held your hand.

"doesn't matter. you look gorgeous as always," he whispered back and that didn't go unnoticed so you both got grilled about what you were whispering to each other.

"does this always happen? you guys whispering to each other?" the interviewer asked and the audience, which consisted of mostly Jack's fans, shouted a 'YES' in unison.

"yeah, ok, but that's because we barely do things like this together." you explained in defeat.

"we need Jack to bring you everywhere then," the interviewer suggested.

"sure! i don't mind. i can be like a pocket girlfriend that you can take everywhere," you joked which caused laughter around.

after the whole interview, you and Jack were in such a good mood.

"that was one of the best interviews i had," he said as you walked around London hand in hand.

"why?" you asked.

"because it's not the typical interview where they ask the same questions about the youtube thing and how it started and those kinda things." he explained which made you smile.

"it's really because i was there, wasn't it?" you joked. "well, that was part of it," he teased as he wrapped an arm around you.

you didn't think you could be any happier but that night, you and Jack decided to move in together after having a four year relationship.

"i love you," you said. "i love you too," he said and gave you a long passionatly kiss.



hello , guys !

I'm out of ideas , please help me! ._.''

Im gonna try to do more imagines !

I hope you like it !

- Alyssa(:

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