Lost In India | J&F IMAGINE #22

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Prompt: Can you write a Finn centric based off of jacksgap's rickshaw run the boys did? Maybe Finn gets lost and hurt and is really scared cz they're in India and he's all alone. And lots of protective worried jack and the rest of the boys(but mainly jack) :)

Enjoy :)

'Oh shit, I leave my camera on top of Victoria!' Finn exclaimed and hit himself on his forehead. 'You idiot! What if it gets stolen!' Jack exclaimed and hit Finn behind his head. 'Just like happened to you.' Will teased. Jack shot him a deadly glance and Will shut up. 'Go and get it. Before you're too late.' Jack said and Finn ran out of the little hotel in the middle of India.

It was like the middle of the night and Finn had to use a flashlight to find the right tucktuck. After searching for 10 minutes he finally found her. 'There we go. And Jack said it would be stolen, well, not this guy.' Finn grinned and grabbed for the camera. But instead of actually grabbing it, he missed and hit it off the roof. It rolled into the dark night and disappeared out of Finn's sight. 'Ah, shit. Great.' Finn mumbled and walked to the other side of the tucktuck. He moved his flashlight around, in the hope to find it. He saw a reflection in the bushes and ran towards it. 'Camera!' he exclaimed and bend down to pick it up.

And there it went wrong again, while bending down, Finn tripped and started rolling down. And of course the motel was on top of a little hill, causing Finn to roll down for quite a long time. On his way down, Finn hit several rocks and got stuck in several bushes. He was practically bouncing and after a long time, he finally stopped rolling down. He fell over and landed right into a poodle. The water was dirty, full of mud. Finn pushed himself up: 'Goddamnit, really?' He got up and was completely wet. He suddenly felt a stabbing pain and looked down at his leg. He realized that all the bumping down resulted in him hitting so many rocks, that he actually cut his leg. 'Oh great, this is just getting better and better.' Finn sighed. He saw the light of his flashlight and grabbed it. He moved the flashlight around. He tried to climb back, but fell back every time. He realized there was no way to get up that hill again. 'Hell, how do I get back now?' Finn muttered and looked around. He found himself in just bushes and couldn't find a other way out. He sighed and struggled his way out of the bushes.

In the meantime, Jack was getting worried. It was 2 in the morning and Finn still wasn't back. 'Maybe he can't find his camera, don't worry.' Ben tried, but Jack wasn't having any of it. 'Ben, he left 2 hours ago. The tucktucks are right outside the hotel. That shouldn't take longer than half an hour. Why was I so stupid? This is India, the nights here are dangerous!' Jack said frustrated and couldn't stay still. 'Jack, come on. Finn isn't a baby anymore, he's fine. I promise.' Louis assured him.

In real life, he wasn't. Finn made his way out of the bushes and was now walking on a road. Eventhough it was the middle of the night, the road was still crowded and Finn, being the only one without a vehicle, had to watch his every move. And with just the flashlight as the only source of light, it was even more dangerous. Finn had to jump out of the way the whole time and since he was wet to the skin and had cuts on his leg, it wasn't the easiest job. And of course he left his phone at the hotel. 'Hey! Watch out, cunt!' a man yelled. Finn cringed and ran off the road as fast as possible: 'I'm so sorry, sir!' he exclaimed quickly. The man shot him an angry glance and drove past him. Finn sighed and decided to sit down. He looked for a place and found a few bushes that would keep him safe. He sat down, back turned to the road and sighed deeply. The night was now at its darkest point and Finn was getting worried. He was completely lost by now and he had no place to stay. He looked around him and lay down.

It was now 8 in the morning. Still no Finn. Jack wasn't considering listening to the boys anymore, he had enough of it.

'No! Stop saying he'll come back! What's wrong with you! He's been gone all night long and I'm not going to believe he'll come back!' Jack exclaimed and throw a pillow to the ground. The boys ran their hands frustrated through their hair. 'I'm not even trying to turn away from it, Jack's right. Finn has been gone the entire night, where the hell could he be?' Louis asked, worry edging every word. 'There are creepy people walking around during the night around here, you don't think?' Ben asked frustrated, knowing they all knew exactly what he meant. 'Don't say that, Ben! Please! I don't want to think about it. All I want to know is where my brother is.' Jack said frustrated and kept on running his hand through his hair. The boys saw the worry glowing off his face and were getting frustrated. 'Let's go outside and find out what could have happened to him. There must be clues outside.' Max said and stood up. Jack ran after him and so did the other boys.

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