Simple Life | Jack & Finn IMAGINE #9

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"[Y/N] come here!" you hear Finn say as you placed your purse on the dinner table making your way towards him.

You had met Finn 2 years ago at school, you guys were going to the same university.

Even tough Finn was a total sweet heart his brother Jack was the total opposite.

A complete dick.

Yup that was the perfect way to put it.

Since these two had a YouTube channel together and didn’t have a camera man for a couple of days Finn asked you for help and you agreed happily only forgetting the most important thing.

You had to be working with Jack.For the sake of Finn you ignored Jack the whole time you were working with him, and he pretty much did the same thing with you except for the side remarks he would make every now and than annoying you.

You let out a sigh smiling at Finn as you walked up to him “What’s up?" you said.

“Trying to get this thing to work" he said looking at the camera in his hand.

“The screen is black I don’t know why!" he said getting frustrated.

“Umm Finn.." you said pointing to the cap that was covering the camera lens.

“Oh…" he said letting out a nervous laugh making you chuckle.

“Oh shut up" he said with a chuckle.

You grabbed a can of coke that was on the table taking a sip from it as you talked to Finn.

As you guys were talking you felt someone grab your waist from behind making you jump up in surprise and spill the water all over yourself.

You turned around to met with a smirking Jack.

“Jack your an ass!" you said angrily trying to get yourself cleaned up.

"What it was a joke" he said rolling his eyes.

“Jokes are suppose to be funny!" you said glaring at him as Finn looked at you both hopelessly shaking his head.

“That was funny!" Jack said chuckling.

You let out a frustrated sigh looking at him.

“What is your problem with me! Why do you hate me so much! What the hell have I ever done to you!" you said getting closer to him and practically screaming at his face.

He just looked at you not saying anything with a serious look on his face.

All of a sudden he grabbed your waist with one hand pushing you against the wall behind you surprising you.

“What are you doing?!" you said trying to move his hand from your waist but it was as if it was glued to your waist.

“Shut up [Y/N]" he said getting closer to your face his hot breath hitting your lips as his gaze travelled from your eyes to your lips.

“You are such a pain in the ass. You are a perfectionist, you talk allot, never do anything you are told-" you cut him off before he could finish.

“Wow thanks allot" you said rolling your eyes. He smirked looking at you.

“And yet you seem so hot doing all of that and I just can’t seem to get you out of my mind" he said making you raise an eyebrow at him.

Before you could say anything he crashed his lips on top of yours surprising you as he placed the other hand behind your neck pulling you in closer.

You tried to fight him at first but realizing that was no use you just relaxed in his arms kissing him back.

You felt him smile into the kiss once you kissed him back.

“You know I’m still here right.." you head Finn say as you pushed Jack off you in a hurry blushing like mad covering your mouth looking at him.

“Uggh Finn.." you heard Jack say as he turned to glare at his twin.

“What?" he said defending himself.

''We have a video to make" he said looking at us.

“Right" I said walking past Jack and grabbing the camera from Finn ready to record.

“Why do you always have to kill the best moments Finn" Jack said shaking his head and turning to wink at me making me turn even redder.. 


your outfit

JACK AND FINN | IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now