Hi. | Finn Imagine #35

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Jack and you had been friends all simester, so when you had to pick project partners, so it was natural for you two to pair up. The lecture ended, then you grabbed your books and headed for the door.

"Hey Y/N, do you wanna grab a coffee then head to mine for some ever so exciting comparing of notes?" Jack smiled and raised his dark eyebrows.

"Sure," You laughed brushing your long wavy hair to the side.

"Campus cafe will have to do I'm afraid."

"That'll be fine."

You quickly stop by the cafe and order.

"I'll have a mocha latte and cappuccino thanks" Jack says, looking to you, waiting for your order.

"An iced chocolate to go thanks," you say to the cashier, then turning to Jack, "A bit thirsty are we?" You jokingly tease him.

"It's for my brother, Finn, He's here this week from his university."

"Oh, so I finally get to meet Finn."

"Indeed you do." Jack then takes the tray of beverages from the expressionless cashier, thanking her and paying.

"Ok but Im paying next time," you say to Jack as you approach the door of his room. As Jack opens the door you see a boy with the same emerald eyes and hazelnut hair as Jack look up from his phone, smiling broadly.

"Hello Jack, hello ...?" He raises one eyebrow in a perfect arch.

"Y/N. It's lovely to meet you Finn." Your eyes flutter to the floor, trying to hide your smile.

"And you, Y/N." Finns green eyes hypnotize into you own, causing you knees to feel weak.

"Well we better get some studying done then." Jack breaks the silence, shooting Finn a knowing look whilst handing him his latte before directing you to the study where you lay out your books to get started. After 10 minutes of complete uninterrupted work, Finn enters the small room holding a wooden tray.

"Who's hungry? I made poptarts." You can't help but smile at his sheer adorableness.

"Thanks." You shyly smile at Finn taking a bite of a chocolate poptart,

"Oh my God I'd forgotten how good these are."

"Made them myself," Finn cracked his knuckles as though he had just performed an amazing feat, "Mostly." He sheepishly added.

"Come on guys im getting lonely out there by myself." Finn mock-whined.

"Fine we'll just finish up here." Jack said, gathering his books together.

"I've picked a movie for us!" Finn exclaimed after pouring over Jacks collection of DVDs. You and Finn settled on the the couch, Finn in the middle and you to his left. Jack then returned with a large bowl of popcorn for the three of you before making himself comfortable. The movie started, its title sequence deafening you. In no time at all the movie has you sucked in, your full attention on it. Suddenly a large lion jumps out, causing you to flinch, squeezing a hand you didn't realize you were clutching.

"Whoa there Y/N, lets not cut my blood circulation," Finn jokes, placing his arm around your shoulder, "Im here if you get scared." You then snuggle into Finns chest, resting your weary head on his collarbones and finally closing your heavy eyelids.

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