I hate her. | Finn IMAGINE #39

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“Hiya Finny!” you sang as soon as he picked up the phone.

“Hey Y/N” he replied, chuckling good-naturedly. “What’s up?”

“I was just wondering what you were doing” you chirped, leaning back on your sofa, the phone cradled to your eye preciously as if you were holding a baby.

“Me and Gem are at my house” Finn answered.

“Oh” you tried not to sound too disappointed. Gem and Finn had been dating for two months now. You had been hoping to catch him at a better time, when he was alone. Nowadays though, he always seemed to be with her. “I’ll call you back later than, ok? I don’t want to disturb y-”

“You’re not disturbing us. We were just gonna pop in a movie, fancy coming round? Are you home alone again?” Finn teased, good-naturedly.

You hesitated. “Is it alright with Gem if I come over?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t it be? Gem likes you loads” Finn replied, confusion lacing his tone.

As if, you thought to yourself. You were pretty sure Gem absolutely hated your guts, what with all the snide comments under her hands as you passed by, the snarls when you entered the room and the rolling of her eyes whenever you said something to impress Finn.

You had a crush on Finn since you were both six and he offered to share his lunch with you in school. You had waited till the opportune moment to tell him your feelings but then Gem waltzed in, stealing up your chance and your man.

“Ok. I’ll be there in five minutes” you said, hanging up.

You checked yourself over in the mirror, in your red flannel and jeans, before exiting your house. You walked slowly in trepidation to Finn’s house. You knocked sharply three times and stood back, waiting for the onslaught.

But thankfully, it was Finn who answered the door, with a wide grin on his face. “Hey. You look nice” he commented, ushering you in.

“Thanks” you couldn’t help but blush.

“Aw your blush is back, Y/N!” he joked, digging you in the side lightly. He always made fun of you for blushing – it was one of his favourite features of yours.

“Shut up” you shoved him playfully.

“Finn!” a shrill voice called from the sitting room. You both glanced towards it, you involounatrily.

“Come on. I think we’re gonna watch Harry Potter or something. It depends what Gem wants” Finn shrugged as if to motion: what can you say? You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you followed your best friend/crush into the sitting room.

Gem was lounging on the sofa, leisurely in a tiny miniskirt and skin tight crop top. You found yourself staring at her perfect figure and wondering: why couldn’t that be mine? Gem’s eyebrows narrowed when she noticed you.

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