Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The smile plastered on my face, throughout the entire breakfast, alexander kept looking at me suspiciously, well let's just say he should be. Once Mr and Mrs. Stills yelled they were going out to work with alexander, I began picking up the dishes to put them in the sink and got ready to wash the dishes. The entire afternoon I sat thinking about how I was to make alexander regret mistreating me. At 7:00 pm they stepped back home. Alexander went upstairs to get dressed while Mr and Mrs. Stills said they had to go to some charity event.

I put alexander's food on the table, while I kept on cleaning the dirty dinner dishes, once alexander was done I picked the dishes up and began washing them. When I was finished in the kitchen I walked in the bedroom with a smirk on my face, he looked at me really suspicious. Well he should be.

"Look Felicia" he said bringing me out of my thoughts. "I don't know what happened last night but I want to tell you that I was drunk and vulnerable. Anything that happened was nothing and meant nothing." A poker face splayed upon his face, is he serious? Last night he was all 'I like Felicia but don't tell her' and today he's like it 'means nothing blah blah blah'. Fuck you alexander.

Looking up at him, I built up the courage to try and tell him what I want. "Umm alexander, why can't we give our relationship a try, why am I so bad that you hate me. Are we not supposed to get married and when we do, are you certain you won't love me?" I questioned him, oh no here we go, he's about to get all pissed. Damn!

"What did you not understand since our first encounter, I said I will never love you? I'm going to get married to you and that's that I'll be loyal like a normal human being, and I am absolutely certain I will never love you. You would be the last person I will ever fall in love with and that's final. I don't do relationships and once were married nothing will change between us, it. Will. Stay. The. Same." His words stung like a bee, is he scowled at me, before looking at me disapprovingly. What is wrong with him?

"What on earth did I do to deserve this huh? Tell me alexander what? I don't deserve to be hated by my own husband let alone treated as if I had committed a crime!!" I spoke the questions that were in my mind, my heart clenched to the reason he said he wouldn't love me. I know I don't love him, but that doesn't guarantee that I will never does it? And when the time comes will I be able to live with a one-sided love? Never, I won't stand for it, I won't. Is it a crime to love?

"you committed a crime, the moment you stepped in my life, the moment you asked me to love you, don't you understand Felicia you deserve everything I throw at you, because your worthless, and pathetic. Who could love you tell me? And just because were getting married doesn't force one to love you, it's an arranged marriage. Not a love marriage. So grow up" he began yelling at me, he let out a frustrated groan, before moving his hand through his hair. He began pacing in the bedroom.

Right now tears were running down my face, I couldn't stop them but what he said that was the last straw, he pushed it "but you didn't answer why I deserve this, is it because I remind you of Natalia?" he looked up at me anger clear within his eyes. "Where did you hear that name, no one is allowed to mention that name, don't ever mention that name consider it a warning" he snarled at me.

"I asked you a question alexander! Do I remind you of her?!" he looked absolutely angry "shut the hell up Felicia. Do not disrespect me!"

"Why shouldn't I huh? Tell me. What gives you the right to tell me that! You've been disrespectful ever since we met, when we first met, you didn't even know me, but you didn't hold back when you threw those words at me did you?" he looked confused then angry once again. "I asked a question alexander, do I remind you of Natalia?"

"Don't say that name!" he was absolutely pissed, but I don't care, he lost the right to be angry at me? Why am I still in this house?

"Why are you angry huh alexander tell me, is it because of Natalia? You can get angry all you want, I really don't care! I was thought a relationship is first built on respect, then trust and once you have the foundation, other emotions are found? But you haven't given me the respect I deserve, you haven't given me a reason to trust you, all you do is make me scared? You're a monster that feeds his ego with anger, you're a heartless monster, and I don't know how anyone could love a monster like you! You're a monster, a cold angry heartless monster!" right then I was sent flying to the ground, I felt it, I felt a sting on my right cheek, and let me tell you it hurt like hell. I was looking at the ground, my vision blurry I couldn't see well, I looked up at him, I couldn't see well, but while my vision was getting in check I saw his face he looked, guilty, he looked hurt, but worse he looked at his hands as if he committed a crime. I stood up, now the world was turning, I felt dizzy I felt sick. He took a step forward, I took a step back. He tried opening his mouth to say something, I just raised my hand to stop him. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have crossed the line like that, I was angry. It was wrong of me as your fiancé to disrespect you" I looked at him a pained expression crossed his face, he tried touching my face but I flinched back, he moved his hand back, and still looked at me. He looked like he killed a person. I spared one more glance at him before walking into our room. When I got to the room, I ran into the bathroom and locked myself. Why did id o that? This is not how I was brought up. Right then I began feeling dizzy. I looked in the cupboards for some aspirin, not finding anything, my legs began to feel weak I accidently dropped the little mirror that hung on the bathroom wall, making a loud crashing sound.

I was walking towards the door when there was a knock "Felicia honey were back home are you okay, why does alexander look angry?" I heard Mrs. Still's sweet voice. From within the bathroom, right now I was seeing 2 doors.

"y-yeah I'm fine, don't worry" I lied falling on my knees, my breathing quickened and my eyes felt heavy.

"Felicia, are -you okay dear, I'm getting worried." That's the last thing I heard before falling into an eternal sleep of darkness.

What did Alexander do?
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