Chapter 19

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😂 Chapter 19

I froze. This is the Natalia that broke alexander, this is the Natalia that made alexander what he is! She’s the reason he’s so angry, and here she is hugging him, as if she had done nothing wrong. I looked at alexander he looked emotionless, he looked cold.

“Get off me” alexander said, I don’t know this tone, but I hate it. It sounds dark, its sounds unwelcoming. Natalia let go off him and stepped aside. Then he continued, “Why are you here?” he questioned no emotion laced in his voice. When she did it reply he got angry “WHY ARE YOU HERE?” he barked making me flinch, I was getting scared, the only person who can ever make me flinch like this is Nicholas, no one else, and to be honest I hate it.

“I came to see you” she replied, no emotion laced in her voice.

“Why” he asked again

“Because alexander, I realised that I made a mistake and I want to have ascend shot” she said, a grin plastered upon her face. Honestly what I’m scared of now is whether had choose her over me, if he did that id, id kill myself. I wouldn’t be able to live with another heartbreak.

“You’re too late” he said, his voice dark.

“What do you mean?” she questioned, confusion written on her face.

“I’m a married man now Natalia, I’m married and happy after all these years” alexander said, I don’t know what it was about those words that made my heart soar with joy. There were butterflies in my tummy and I somewhat felt warm inside.

“Do you love her?” Natalia questioned as ache motioned me, what is she up to? Alexander remained silent, Derek nudged my shoulder and looked at me with worried eyes, and I simply smiled at him and continued to look at the 2 people in front of me.

“I asked you a question Alex. Do you love her?” alexander looked at her and answered

“I do, and I always will” he looked at me, his eyes softened, Natalia looked absolutely angry for some reason. “Now I demand you leave” alexander said, Natalia glared at me “I will not lose to an insolent fool like you” ouch, almost reminds me of alexander. Natalia grabbed her bag before walking out the door and shutting it behind her, Derek let out a sigh.

“Since that is over, is this not your wedding night? I might as well leave you guys to yourselves” he grinned slyly “oh and alexander hurt my baby sister and I’ll kill you friend or not, and Felicia, try not to bump into Nicholas anytime soon” Derek asked, I nodded at him

“Well then I might as well leave, have a great night” he said before getting up and leaving, there was silence in the air for a couple of seconds then alexander opened his mouth.

“Felicia, were going to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon and it’s now, as in tonight, so you need to run upstairs and get your bag packed” I gasped at him, how dare he, do this to me on short notice? But I can’t help but feel unhappy, Natalia’s return must’ve hurt alexander in ways I don’t even know, but yet he is still trying to make tonight memorable, I’m going to have to do the same. I ran up the stairs only to see my bash were already packed, so I picked up the 2 bags and hung them on my shoulders, and lifted up my wedding dress and walked down the stairs, there alexander was waiting patiently, when caught a glimpse of me he pointed at his watch, as if to say time is going, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the limo,

Alexander picked up his phone and dialled a number “hey patrician, get the private jet ready” he said to the person who I’m guessing is his PA.

When we got to our destination the jet was already awaiting on the outside, ready to go, we walked in the plane, and it took off. The flight was very silent and comforting. When the jet landed, we got off and another limo was waiting aside.

We drove to a house on a deserted area, I think this is private land or something of that sort. The house was grand. I could never imagine a house this big, it’s got to be about 3 stories tall. Our bags were being carried by the chauffer. Alexander dragged me up the stairs, into a bedroom on I don’t know which side of the house, he closed and locked the door behind, him, then crushed his lips on mine, and the kiss was passionate and gentle. His hand found its way to the back zip on my dress, he unzipped it and the dress fell to my feet, I pulled down his suite jacket and began unbuttoning his shirt and pulled it off his shoulders, he then began trailing kisses down my neck and pulled me closer to him, we began walking backwards and when we reached the end if the bed we fell backwards, alexander landed on top of me and me below him. Our night was one to remember.


So it is Natalia! Loll! And Alexander and Felicia finally became one, finally, what's next? ☺
Until the next update of within the flames of anger


Within The Flames Of Anger  (book One Of The Fire Series) Where stories live. Discover now