Chapter 23: the final chapter

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Chapter 23

We were seated in the plane back home, I fell asleep, on alexander's shoulder. I felt something poke me, and breathing on my ear which felt irritating, my eyes fluttered open to see alexander I my face, and I groaned and pushed his face away.

"Come on fell, were here, and were home." He said smiling. I looked at him and smiled. I stretched my limbs and stood up. Alexander grabbed my hand and we stepped into the car and headed to the stills residence. When we got home, the house was awfully silent. But as soon as I opened the door I was tackled by my dear mother-in-law.

"Felicia my beautiful daughter, how was it, are you pregnant, did alexander hurt you?" she dawned all her questions at once. I smiled and shook my head.

"It was great mother, I'm not pregnant and alexander did not hurt me." I explained. She let out a sigh of relief. "Umm, mother-in-law, can I go see my mother, and talk to her for a while?" I asked. Mother nodded.

"But are you sure you want to go now, you just got back. Don't you want to rest?" I thought for a while.

"Umm, ok I'll go tomorrow" I said. Alexander then got a phone call and excused himself.

Father-in-law then came and began welcoming me. The question after question thing was draining my energy. Alexander walked in anger on his face.

"Fell, I'm so sorry, work called me in, I would spend time with you but their calling." He said. I looked at my eyes softening.

"Go, I know it's important, so go ok" I said as I held his face between my hands. I heard an 'aww' and when I turned around mother in-law was sitting there with a camera, when did she get that. He kissed my cheek and left. I plopped myself on the couch and mother and I continued to talk.

I walked up to our bedroom and picked the phone to call the house line. I can't wait. The phone began to ring, then I heard the voice I've been longing to hear.

"Hello Francis residence."

"Mom" I said my voice cracking in the end, my heart sore, I miss her.

"Felicia honey is that you?" she questioned, her voice strained on the line.

"Yeah mom it's me, I miss you so much" I said

"Oh honey I miss you too, how was your honeymoon?" she asked

I smiled, then I spoke up "oh, momma it was amazing. I never felt this from alexander in my life, he actually told me he loved me" I expressed, I heard mom laugh from the other side.

"He did, he better, and we don't want an angry momma to come kill him do we." She joked. I wish it was in person.

"Mom, how's dad?" I asked her, she fell silent. I began not panic. "Mom?" I questioned.

"Honey come tomorrow your dad has been longing to see you, and I have something to tell you" she said, I could hear her sniffle on the other side of the line.

"o-o ok" I said my heart beating in my chest, I hope my dad's ok, please god.

"Ok, bye honey, I'll see you tomorrow" she said, the kissed over the phone "I love you" she said then hung up on me. Why am I feeling this uneasy feeling yet once again? Why am I feeling so uncomfortable, why am I stressed. What if... no nothing happened, nothing?

It's been an hour since alexander went to work, and when he did come back, I was shocked, I was hurt, he came back with her. Her of all people. Natalia.

I glared at her, "alexander why is she here?" I questioned, he looked like he was about to die. Well he should.

"Fell, baby, Natalia and I want to be friends and only friends and she wants to get to know you" he said.


To be continued....


Tears, tears, tears. This is the final chapter of within the flames of anger! I'm sad! Are you? Goddammit.


There's no need to be upset, book 2 is coming soon, it's called within the sparks of jelousyyy,! Yeah! ☺ ☺ I know you'll be waiting and all but, it's OK,

What I'm sorry for is the fact that book 2 of the fire series will be updated only in July.! Sad 😔 I know. But in the mean time I've started a new book it's an action, you can find it on my page 📄 and the last but not least I'd like to thank these fellow people for all their support.


And especially to my besties in who supported me through all this....


And yes.. Thanks to my ghost readers as well, I appreciate it!

Within The Flames Of Anger  (book One Of The Fire Series) Where stories live. Discover now