chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I stood there while alexander gave me a lecture about knocking. Right now I just feel like finding a razor and killing him with it. Once he was done, he just sat there. Neither of us carried our phones with us, and even if we called out to someone they wouldn't hear us, because alexander had to make his walls soundproof. Damn you alexander.

I sat there looking at the tiled walls "so how are you feeling?" he asked concerned

"I'm great thanks" I told him truthfully, but he looked guilty, well he should be. I did end up in hospital because of the slap he gave me, but honestly I had that coming I crossed the lines despite knowing about alexander's anger.

"I- I- I'm sorry, Felicia for slapping you" he said looking down at his feet.

"Don't worry about it, forget about it, okay. Act like it never happened" I smiled encouraging him

He looked at me with sad eyes "why do you do that?" he questioned

"Do what?"

"Try to forget things, try to look pass things, try to make others forget the wrongs they did you, and you forget they wronged you. What if things get bad, wouldn't you want to take revenge?"

"Revenge is like a poisonous cobra, while you watch you enemy go down, you are being poisoned yourself, that's why you forgive the person" I said smiling at him

"But that's almost like doing nothing!" he scowled at m answer

"Let me tell you something alexander, it's easy to do nothing, but it's difficult to forgive" I told him truthfully.

Another few minutes passed, and I couldn't hold myself. I had to ask these questions, I have to. "Alexander, this has been on my mind for some time, but I need you to answer honestly. Why are do you get so angry?" as soon as those words left my mouth, I regretted them, I just should've kept quiet. Or he'd get angry.

He looked at me, before groaning. "I'm sorry Felicia, but my personal life does not involve you, so if you could keep those questions to yourself, I'd be really happy" he said, his eyes twitched, a habit I noticed when he got angry, he'd do that. So I simply nodded and looked away. My heart dropped, and my stomach clenched. His reply was really painful. I really don't know what I did to him, but whenever I ask him something or question him, he always shuts me out, or gets angry. He is like a spark that creates a flame. What are within these flames? Why is he so damn angry? God. Why is destiny doing this to me? Why is fate playing with me, what did I do to be hated me him, what did I do, why am I hated by him?

Soon after all I wanted to do was get out of this bathroom. I didn't feel comfortable with alexander here, and let's just say I'm a bit claustrophobic. A few minutes later, a knock was heard on the door.

"Felicia honey, are you okay in there"

"Yes mother-in-law, it's just alexander and I got stuck in the bathroom, would you please get us out?" I pleaded with her, not able to spend another moment with alexander, mother-in-law called Mr. Still and he pushed the door open. Alexander and I walked out, mother had a grin plastered on her face. I walked out of the room and headed towards the kitchen, I went to go make dinner. 30 minutes later he entire family was down by the dining area. At least this is the time we can sit together and eat. We ate and once everyone was done, I took the dishes and placed then n the sink, before washing them. Alexander grumbled that he would be in his bedroom watching the television. Once I was done with the dishes, I headed for the bedroom. Alexander was already asleep peacefully, damn I wish he was like this forever.

I put the pillows dividing us, and slept on my side. I looked at the wall, today replayed in my head. The time when I asked my question, did I do something wrong that he would get angry at me if I simple asked a question! God this sucks.

Wow, Alexander bad, don't you think loll :)

What's gonna happen, I can't wait to see! ( loll barbie)

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Until the next chapter of within the flames of anger

Within The Flames Of Anger  (book One Of The Fire Series) Where stories live. Discover now