Chapter 16

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😂 Chapter 16

****the next day*****

Tomorrow is my wedding, and I can’t believe it, I’m finally getting married. Alexander and father-in-law have already left the house to go to work, while mother decided to drag me around doing my hair nails and facial beauty. We were looking for mothers friends nail salon and couldn’t seem to find it. It turns out it was on the 3rd floor and we happen to only be on the first.  When we finally reached the 3rd floor mother made sure I was alone in peace in my own space as they did my nails, it was so boring, but what can I say, mother seems to enjoy doing these things. Like she said ‘I feel like I’m in my youth once again’ ha-ha!

I swear I’ve been sitting here for almost 2 hours, until country mother’s friend the owner of the nail salon announced she was done. I let out a sigh of relief. We exited the nail salon and mother would not keep quiet about grandbabies, yes you heard me right grandchildren, meaning alexander and I’s children. As if that would happen with alexander around. We carried on walking, not paying attention to my walking I bumped into someone.

“Sorry” I muttered, I looked up to see a young girl about my age or older, she actually quite beautiful. She had a great body shape and her face was just wow!

“Mrs. Stills” she said looking up at mother-in-law. I glanced towards mother-in-law only to see she was tense, her face was pale as if she had seen a ghost.

“Mother-in-law, what’s wrong?” I questioned “is everything alright?”

Mother smiled at me and spoke with an uneasiness in her voice “I- I’m fine Felicia dear”

“Oh so the rumours of alexander’s marriage is true and this woman is his wife I suppose? You guys have chosen well! I’ll give you that” the girl spoke with disgust in her voice, she looked quite angry, do they know each other”

“Oh well my dear, that’s just life isn’t it, if your patient you’ll get the best?” Mother said proudly, aww she called me the best.

“Are you sure she’s strong enough to handle alexander’s anger and on and off emotion, is she strong enough to fix him?” the girl asked, curiosity laced in her voice

“Well, yes. Because she has already began to fix my sweet alexander and he’s going through his crush phase you know when you have a mere crush. He told me the other day about his mixed emotions for Felicia u know and now they’re getting married tomorrow to start their new life together and life partners and soon to be parent of my grandbabies!” so that’s what it is, alexander has a crush on me, who knew. So that was the drastic change in behaviour he’s trying to find out how he feels. I’ve been waiting for this!

“well Mrs. Stills I’m sure you know by now that this will never change and if I know alexander as well as I do, I know he’ll never forget, and even if he does ill make him remember” the woman smirked. Forget what? What is alexander forgetting?

“but I have told you, Felicia here is putting him back together and even if ya remind him of what happened Felicia well instantly make him forget, because after this marriage their mere crushes will bloom to become love, whether they know it or not! So your attempts to making people unhappy will stop” mother-in-law expressed

The woman huffed before looking at me “well if you say so, it was nice meeting you Felicia” she said before walking away, what was that? Is she someone alexander used to know, he must’ve known her.

Mother-in-law grabbed my hand before dragging me out of the mall, we entered the car and mother put the ignition on before reversing out of the parking lot. The car drive was so very silent, mothers grip on the wheel was tight, and her knuckles began to turn white.

“Umm, Felicia honey. I have a favour to ask of you.” Mother began, I simply nodded eager to know her request. “I request you not to mention a word to alexander, for if he knows he might return to his cruel ways, I’m sure you know what that woman had done to him” wait, don’t tell me that woman was Natalia. It can’t be, alexander would have known if she were here

“Mother was that woman, Natalia the Natalia that broke alexander?” I questioned her curiously waiting for her answer. She shook her head and looked quite pissed “no it’s her sister, that family is the same family that brought depression to my home. So I suggest that no matter what you stay away from them and try to keep Natalia and her family out of your marriage” I looked out my window as I nodded. Unhappiness? Alexander just got back a piece of his happiness after a lot of hard work, so I will not let me headwork go to waste. I Felicia Francis soon to be Felicia stills the wife of alexander stills and the pride of the stills family promise to fix alexander and make sure to never break him again!

When we got home it was past 4 and alexander’s car was in the driveway. I walked into the kitchen to begin preparing dinner for everyone. Mother said she was to take father-in-law out to speak of the incidents today and I wouldn’t need to make extra food for them. I picked up the pots and put on the oven and stove, I pulled out the vegetables and began chopping them on the wooden chopping board, events from today kept playing in my head, and questions were swarming around what did that woman- Natalia’s sister mean by when she said- if he forgets I will make him remember- remember what? What is going on? I carried on cutting the vegetables and didn’t notice that alexander was standing behind me his arms wrapped around my waist. I turned to see a shirtless alexander looking hot as ever.

“Welcome back home, how was work?” I questioned, he flashed that breath-taking smile of his, and honestly I feel like this is the first time he genuinely smiled at me

“It was the usual, but the meetings were a drag and so damn boring” he complained as expected from alexander. “What did you do today?” he asked me my hear froze remembering mothers words from earlier,

I-it w-was, it was good, we went to the nail salon and since tomorrow is out wedding we did some other stuff” I said, he smiled while nodding, I hate starting or relationship on lies, god. And alexander seems to hate lies and stupid things, mother why did you make me do such a thing?

Once alexander had eaten dinner and headed upstairs, I began to clear up. Mother and father only came home around 9 and heeded straight for bed. When I was done doing whatever the else I was doing, I headed to bed, alexander was still up and on his laptop doing some important work, I turned towards my side and closed my eyes but couldn’t sleep, guilt was eating me alive, I’m afraid of what alexander I’ll do once he finds out about my encounter with Natalia’s sister, alexander than shut off his laptop and slid under the blankets before going to sleep. Tomorrow were getting married, but I can’t help but feel uneasy. I feel something bad is going to happen, but let’s try to be positive, after all tomorrow is going to be the beginning of my new life with my soon to be husband alexander stills. God if you’re listening, please make tomorrow the best day of my life. Please.  Couple minutes later my eyes began to feel heavy and I fell not a sleep of happiness.


Heya howzit? New update at last loll,

Until the next update of within the flames of anger


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