Chapter 17

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😂 Chapter 17

I woke up by someone poking the side of my cheek, it felt so irritating like a fly, I fluttered open my eyes alexander wasn’t next to me, oh yeah I forgot todays my wedding day, I sat up, mothers face was right intron of me.

“good morning sleepy head, time to get ready for your wedding” I groaned and pulled the sheets over my head mother then pulled it off again and dragged me to the bathroom, it’s so damn early cant my wedding wait a little bit. “come on Felicia my soon to daughter-in-law do it for your old mother-in-law who feels young again please” mother pulled and pulled my arm, I sighed in defeat before getting up and walking towards the bathroom and taking a shower, I could hear people walking into the bedroom. Who would be doing so early? When I was done and wrapped up in a towel I walked out of the bathroom, my mouth fell open, why would there be over 20 people in my bedroom?

“M-m-mother, why are these people?” I questioned looking at my bedroom, there has got to be 20 or 25 women here.

“Oh my sweet daughter, these are family and your hair stylist, don’t forget lily and my friend from the nail salon.” She introduced them. Mother then clapped her hands and continued “right let’s do this, well start with your dress then your hair and nails” mother explained, I was pulled to the walk in closet and begins, GOD this is going to be a long dress up!

**********time pass, she’s done with everything**************

I was standing in front of the mirror, this person in front of me, I don’t know who she is, so much makeup on her face, her hair put in aa bun, her dress long white and beautiful with a lace, she looked beautiful, incomparable to any beautiful woman I have seen, and I can’t believe this woman is me, I can’t believe I’m getting married.

When we got to the wedding alter, I was put in a separate room while everyone was already seated waiting for us to take our vows, I was starting to get nervous my face began to heat up, the room felt much hotter than when we had got here.

“Don’t be nervous, there’s no need, just don’t mess up your vows” one of the women said

“Oh, that could actually happen” I whispered. The woman began to laugh at my statement. I joined in but my heart began to ache, I feel something is going to happen, I feel uneasy.

10 minutes later my mother walked in but father was nowhere in sight, “mom, you came” I stated she smiled and touched my face.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world” she smiled at me

“Mom where’s dad?” I questioned, she looked taken back, and she looked sad “mom?” I asked

“Felicia honey let’s get you married first then I’ll tell you okay” she said to me, I nodded, she pulled me behind the door and enter wined our arms together, once the piano began to play we walked in, when we got to the stand, the vows began. Alexander looked handsome as ever, he looked at me, flashing a breath-taking smile, but I still couldn’t help but feel uneasy

“I do” I heard alexander say, “and do you Felicia take alexander as your lawfully wedded husband?”

‘I do” I said happily

“I now pronounce you husband and wife” the crowd began to cheer, and cheer, mother walked up to alexander “umm alexander dear, may I speak to you in private” she asked, what so important. Mother and alexander walked off into a distant area.

When alexander came back mother was nowhere to be seen, “umm alexander?” I questioned

“Yes?” he replied

“Umm where mom, she was with you a couple of minutes ago” he stiffened before replying “she said she’s going to the restroom for a while and shell be back” he replied, that uneasy feeling caught up to me again, what’s wrong? My heart began to clench, I held my hand to my chest, something was definitely wrong.

2 hours passed and the feeling was still unsettling, we danced we had cake everything, mother was still nowhere in sight, the wedding ended and everyone began to leave, alexander and I got into the limo and we began to drive home.

I began laughing so hard, alexander looked at me with amusement in his eyes “today was so much fun, I never knew a wedding would be this fun!” I exclaimed,

“True, and I can’t believe I married you” alexander said, looking me I the eyes they were filled with so much passion,

“Umm alexander d-do you umm do you love me?” I asked scared of his reply

He looked at me no emotion on his face, he leaned in and whispered “I do, and I always have, I was just afraid of getting hurt again if I fell in love, I didn’t want to feel the pain again, but now I know” he said then crushed his lips on mine, he pulled away and smiled.

I can’t believe it ALEXANDER LOVES ME! Me Felicia, the girl he so desperately hated he loves me, I’m loved, won’t live with a one-sided love, I’m lode, alexander finally loves me.

Finally, he said the words! And today was their wedding 💒 but, why I'd Felicia feeling so uneasy?

Until the next update of within the flames of anger


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