Chapter 18

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😂 Chapter 18

I have fulfilled my promise, I Felicia has finally made alexander fall in love with me!

We were nearing the house and my heart began to clench again I began feeling very uneasy. Am I supposed to feel this way on my wedding day? My tummy felt heavy and nervous, what’s happening?

The limo parked into the driveway, alexander grabbed my hand before dragging me to the front door, as soon as the handle turned my world fell apart so this was the uneasy feeling.

We stepped in the house, alexander froze in his spot, looking towards the living room “alexander what’s the matter>?” I asked still unsure of what he was looking at. He gripped my hand tightly, his jaw clenched, then he spoke out “what are you doing here?”

Was this the feeling in my heart, was this why I was so uneasy, why am I feeling like this?

“Is it bad to be here?” the person questioned

“yes, it is bad that your here, what o you want” alexander demanded, the person stood up and switched on the light, no way it couldn’t be, it can’t, this person can’t be here.

“I came to see who my best friend married” the person said

“Get lost Derek, you don’t need to know” alexander said, Derek walked around to see, when he came behind alexander he was shocked? Well he should be, this bastard!

“f-Felicia” he said quite shocked at alexander’s bride, well he should be. After all he left and never came back, after all he is… “You can’t be serious, no way” he said, alexander looked quite pissed off, I wouldn’t blame him

“Do you know her?” alexander dropped my hand before clenching and unclenching his fists

“Calm down alexander she’s my little sister” he said proudly, how dare he say it like that, after all he’s done. I hate him, alexander looked taken back and surprised

“You’re not my brother, you lost the right to call yourself that after you left” I felt angry, I felt like punching someone.

“Ok I get that your angry and all, but I won’t say anything, but what I have to say is really important, do you know why alexander’s other best friend is” he asked I shook my head

“What has that got to do with anything” alexander questioned, wow he’s unusually calm

“Well fell, your husbands other best friend is or was your utterly obsessed and possessive brother, Nicholas” Derek said, my mouth dropped open, what is happening

“And why is Nicholas involved in all of this?” I asked

“Well let’s just say, Nicholas will never let you stay in a relationship with alexander, because Nicholas disapproves alexander, but yet they are friends” Derek, explained. No way, Nicholas lost the right to decide for me a long time ago.

I looked up at Derek, “well then, ill just have to keep my distance, from Nicholas”

“no can do baby sis, Nicholas is very close to alexander and your chance to avoid him, now that Nicholas knows alexander is married, is a 0.0000000005% chance” Derek looked serious, out of time and things in the world, why do my big brothers have to be friends with alexander and why do they have to find out who alexander’s wife is!

“well then Derek you cannot tell Nicholas that I’m married to alexander” I said clearly, Derek looked at me with sad eyes “fell you know how Nicholas gets when being lied to, he’ll never forgive me and even more he won’t forgive you” he said, I nodded. Well then that’s a risk I’ll have to take. Derek took a deep breath before turning to alexander!

“And alexander you will not believe, whose back in town” he said super scared

“Who?” alexander asked looking curious

“it’s someone whose about to cause problems in your married life, someone who will do anything  to make sure your unhappy, and Felicia will kill her“ Derek expressed

“Her?” alexander questioned confused “who do you speak of?”

Derek took a deep breath and he looked panicked “its-” he began Derek got cut when the front door opened and a girl threw herself into alexander’s arms, right now I feel like going up to her and killing this woman.

“Alex, I missed you” the woman said.

Alexander looked shocked, angry, in pain “Natalia?” he said questioningly.

Fel has a brother and 2 at that? And Natalia? Is it really her! If it is eat are her intentions, what does she wish to do?

Until the next update of within the flames of anger


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