Chapter 20

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😂 Chapter 20

I woke up to the rays of sunlight passing through the window, alexander’s arms encircled my waist, our legs tangled and his breath fanning my neck, I turned around to look at him, he looked so peaceful in his sleep, I can’t believe it, I’m finally happy, alexander finally loves me and I became his bride. All this is too rewarding for my efforts, I untangled our legs and after minutes of trying to get out of alexander’s grip I sat up, my body painful from last night, I got off the bed and walked to the bathroom and took a shower, and rushed my teeth and hair, then I wrapped myself in a towel that was hung in the bathroom, and walked out. Right now it was almost 11 o’clock in the morning and it looks like alexander will wake up soon, walking into the closet I opened the bag that was lying on the floor, I pulled out a short sundress that reaches just below my knees with some pumps. I put my hair in a bun and walked out of the bedroom and shut the door silently.

It took me long to find out where I was, when I said this house was big, I seriously mean its big! What billionaire needs such a huge house at a place they seldom visit? I walked into about 20 rooms so far, and at the last room there was a staircase down the hall, I walked down the stairs to finally find the kitchen, thank goodness

I walked into the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast. An hour later I was done with breakfast and began clearing up. I was washing the dishes when alexander came down, he was wearing a black shirt that clung to his body and a pair of track pants. He stood behind ma and snaked his arms around my waist, he began trailing kisses down my neck then he kissed my forehead.

“Good morning, my dear beautiful wife” he said sounding quite happy, and he called me his wife, what a way to start my day. Hey that rhymed!

“Well good morning, alexander, you should go sit by the dining table I will bring your breakfast out” I said to him, still washing the dishes

“Why do you do these things, we have servants and whatever else so you could leave this to them” he whined,

I laughed at his reaction, “no, I’m fine, I’m capable of doing these things, so don’t worry, now go sit, I’m going to bring breakfast now!” I chased him out of the kitchen, he smiled at me then walked out of the kitchen. I picked up the tray with breakfast on it and walked into the dining area, which thank god was the room right next to the kitchen, alexander was seated on his phone, a business call perhaps. I placed the food on the table and put the plates in front of us, alexander got off the phone he rubbed his hands together.

“Right, let’s eat” he picked up the spoon but stopped, he looked confused

“What’s the matter?” I asked him

“All this looks good but I don’t think I can eat it all” he explained, I burst out laughing, he looked at me and smiled “that’s the sound I love” he said, making me blush, it was getting hot here.

“how long do we have until we have to go back” I asked him, alexander thought for a moment before replying “about 1 day or so left, we can’t stay here long, I’ve got business back home” he said looking apologetic, I nodded at him, but couldn’t help but frown, I wish everyday was our honeymoon, but no! He has to work, and that’s important right, but what am I afraid of, that I don’t want to go back home?

We ate our food in silence, once we were done I took the remaining dishes and began to wash them, my mind was still on the question, why am I so afraid to go back home? Because for some reason I’m scared, I picked up the washed dish and put it on the rack, but I heard a crash, when I looked down, I saw that I had dropped the dish, god! What is wrong with me! I bent down to pick the pieces of glass off the floor, bad idea, I ended up cutting myself

“Ouch” I dropped the piece again. God why am I so uneasy, why do I feel this way. What am I afraid of?

“…licia” I felt someone tap me, I was brought out of my thought, I turned around to see alexander, standing and worry on his face, “Felicia, I’ve been calling you for the last 5 minutes, god I was so worried” he said

“I-I’m sorry, I was just in deep thought” I told him honestly

Then he took my hand, I pulled my hand back “I’m fine alexander, relax, it’s just a small cut” I said to him, he frowned at my answer.

“I’ll get you a plaster” he said

“n-no, don’t” he walked away from in my mid-sentence, I groaned at him, I don’t think he should worry so much, he walked back into a plaster in his hand, he lifted my hand and then wrapped the plaster around my finger.

“There, now be care full” I nodded at him, he then grabbed my hand and helped me stand up. “Felicia you’re really ruining this” what?

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about our honeymoon, you’re killing the joy!” he expressed. Me, killing the joy, no way!

“And how is that?” I asked him, of his opinion

“Well, you’re not meant to be f=doing any house chores just having fun with me” he said, a grin plastered on his face

“So what do you suggest oh mighty alexander?” I asked

“I suggest we go to the beach” he said, then he walked off and turned a corner, I shook my head and carried on my dishes “oh and Felicia, its Alex, and get ready” I smiled at him and nodded. He laughed and walked off, is this what it is to have a happy marriage?

A nickname? I should come up with a ship name, it's so awesome, their love story is getting me worked up, but how long will it last?

Until the next update of within the flames of anger
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