Chapter 15

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😂 Chapter 15

I swear I feel like killing someone right now, everywhere you go there’s no privacy, when I stepped into the bathroom to take a shower, there were news reporters by the window, who were standing on the ladder, who does that?

When I tried putting on a bit of makeup I kept on messing it up due to the reporters and their 'noo peace till we get answers' policy. It’s so infuriating

When I went to go have breakfast because mother and father went out, I couldn’t eat due to the uncomfortable situation, the reporters looked at me like hawks every time I took a bite out of the toast. Alexander was in his study doing some work, and the study is the only place with privacy, so I’ve decided, I’ll go there. I began walking up the stairs down the hall toward the study, I knocked on the door, while I heard a faint come in, and I walked in.

Alexander was on the phone with some work, he looked up to see me and motioned me to sit down him mothed me a ‘one minute’ before continuing. I sat there silently, I was playing with the hem of my shirt while looking around, the study had a huge shelf with books and books, it was dark in colour, but what can I expect he’s a man after all.

“What’s the matter Felicia?” alexander brought me back to reality, I guess he’s done on the phone

“nothing in certain, it’s just there’s no privacy around the house and I’m beginning to feel uncomfortable, and the study seems to be the only place that has curtains for privacy, so it seemed like a good idea” I explained, he looked at me then nodded

“Ok, you can stay just don’t move around a lot, I tend to get irritated when that happens” he requested, I nodded and walked to the couch that was by the book shelf, and picked up a book and began to read. Alexander looked back at his laptop and carried on working, the only sounds in the office were the flipping of pages done by me and the tapping on the keyboard of the laptop done by alexander, the sounds were boring me suddenly my eyes began to feel heavy and by the time I knew it I was out like a light.

I was woken by the sounds of rain pelting against the study window, I rubbed my eyes , something slid down my arms and onto my waist, I looked down to see a light blanket , did alexander put this on me, I smiled at the possibility.

I pat my hair down while walking down the stairs, there seemed to be no one home and it looks like the reporters are gone. I walked into the bedroom to see a note on the bed


Gone out for the suite then going to the office due  some circumstances, might   home late so don’t worry




wow he left me a note, alexander actually left me a note, does this mean he’s finally accepting me as the wife he wanted, is he finally forgetting about this so called Natalia I know nothing about, please god let my predictions be right, please, please, please I hope so, oh how I wish. I looked at the time it was already late mother and father should be home in 30 minutes or so, I better start making dinner, today has been one long day. I walked in the kitchen and began cutting onions, chopping tomatoes frying things, I just love this. When I was done the front door closed

“Were home” mother-in-law announced, I rushed to the front door

“Welcome back mother ND father” I Saud happily, mother looked at me suspiciously before hesitantly nodding.

I put the food on the dining table and waited for mother and father to finish eating, and once they were done and gone to their bedroom I began clearing the plates and washing the dishes, right then the front door closed

“I’m home” I heard alexander announce

“Are you hungry?” I questioned him

“Starving” he replied with a smile on his face, ok now it’s weird, alexander is becoming so nice, why? Something must have happened, I nodded before disappearing in the kitchen, and something is up but what? I dished out some food for him before putting it in the microwave to warm. When it was done, I took it out and put it on the table, he rubbed his hands together before eating. I stood there waiting for him to finish eating.

“Aren’t you going to join me” he asked me

“n-no I’m fine, I’m not hungry” I said truthfully, he simply added and continued to eat. I can’t seem to get the question out of my head, why the sudden change of emotion, why is he nice? I frowned at my subconscious and its stupid questions. But something is wrong and I will find out what it is!


Alexander seems to have some drastic change of character, but seriously what's wrong? And wats with the stupid reporters.

Will Felicia ever find out what's wrong with Alexander?

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Until the next update of within the flames of anger


Within The Flames Of Anger  (book One Of The Fire Series) Where stories live. Discover now