10. What a sassy piece of shit

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(Will's POV)

'Hi.' I mumble, trying not to sound confused, exited, angry, sad or like I would have emotions at all.
Nico just left the school building, smirking in this way that kinda makes you feel like you should knee down in front of him - and not just to praise him. People all around him are wishing him a good weekend but he ignores pretty much everyone, the most a few people get is a nodding or winking in their direction.

'Hi.' at least he talks to me, he now even sounds friendlier than this morning.
'Uhm...' we look at each other uncomfortable for a moment, before we start walking in the direction of the park where we talked two days ago.
'How does it come that no students are hanging out here?' I ask to break the awkward silence, and because it's really strange that not one person expect us seems to be around.
'The local drug dealer and his gang are hanging out here some times and the students are scared because of some stuff that happened.'
I look at Nico with a shocked and probably also scared face.
He giggles 'Don't worry, he won't be here today, I know his schedule.'
'Of course you do.'
He giggles. Damn, his giggling is going to be the death of me. Unfortunately he turns serious a few seconds later again.
'Uhm, about this morning' he looks hella uncomfortable 'I mean, I'm sorry... it's just...'
Is he blushing? I think he is...
'It's fine.'
'See, I know I can be an ass, but -'
'It's fine.'
'Good, I had no idea for a good argumentation.'

We both 'kind of laugh' for a moment, then we fall in silence again.

'So, the local drug dealer?' I ask, Nico looks understandable annoyed.
'He's pretty nice as a person.'

'This whole silence thing is really awkward.'
'Because you constantly need to talk.'
'How is your family?'
'Fine. Fine... you should say hello to my mom one day, I think she missed you.'
'Could you just...?'
'You know... I mean, what exactly are we?' I shrug.
'Humans, I guess?' Nico laughs, sassy piece of shit.
'No, I mean, are we friends? Boyfriends? Do you hate me? What?' I feel all my blood rushing in my head.
'What do you want?' now he is smiling, the nice smile.
'That's a really stupid decision.'
'Probably.' I take his hand and Nico goes with it.
'So, what are you up to this weekend?'
Nico sights 'The usual.'
Wow. Much helpful. Very information.
'The usual?'
'Nothing, actually. You?'
'Uhm, yes. Same.'

We keep walking in silence while I try to remember what we talked about when we were younger.
I have no idea. Anyway, chances are that Nico isn't interested in the stuff we used to like anymore.
On the other hand, I could just ask him, there's one thing I remember we talked about a lot for sure.

'Do you still like mythomagic?'
I swear, for a little second his face lights up and his eyes are glowing, but he's getting right back to his bored face 'I haven't thought about it in years... we're kind of to old for stuff like this now, aren't we?'
I don't know why, but it's breaking my heart to hear him say stuff like this. I'm not that into the whole thing anymore either, but we used to love mythomagic when we were kids, Nico even more than me.
'Yes, I guess. I kinda forgot that...'
'That we are to old?'
'No, that you got older? That time doesn't just stops.'
Nico laughs 'Just a few days ago you told me about the importance of endings and now you're surprised that time goes on when you are not around?'
'I know it's ridiculous, okay?'
'Don't look like this.'
'Like what?' I guess I'm starting to get angry. Can't he just say what he wants? Does he have to be so mysterious and sarcastic all the time?!
'So sad.'
'I'm not sad.' I smile. And he smiles back, a big, wide smile that makes him look years younger.
He's so cute. And so complicated.
'We're almost at my home.'
'I know'
Yeah, right, he knows where I live.
'You should say hello.'
'What?' he looks at me like I would have just suggested to sacrifice a virgin.
'Hello. To my mom. She should be home by now and I'm sure she'd love to see you again.'
'No, really.'
'Why not? You liked her.' strangely Nico really did like my mom when we were children. I never really understood this, since in my eyes his mom was perfection.
'Yeah, that's the point.' he suddenly looks really shy 'Do you think she would still like me?'
Damn cute.
'Sure. Really.'
'I don't know...'
'Please! She's still really angry because I wasn't at school yesterday and I'm sure you would distract her from being angry at me.'
Nico chuckles 'So, I'm just a distraction?'
'Are you coming?'

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