Chapter 27

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Do males go through that?

I had heard things about heat but I wasn't exactly sure what it does.

But is it supposed to be painful?

"Heat? Lunar Ligar? Wh-what, how- uh why is it-how do we-" My ramble was cut off by another heart wrenching scream.

What the hell?

Is he being tortured?
He sounds like he's being tortured.

My heart actually ached at the sound.

"What is it doing to him? How do we stop it?" I was getting anxious now.

Latifah shook her head silently.

"There's nothing we can do but wait."

That was all she told me but from the way she pressed her lips together I could see she was holding something back.

I was about to ask her what it was but another shout distracted me.
Latifah shut her eyes at the sound and shook her head slowly in sadness.

"Please we have to do something, how long is this going to last?" I asked Latifah trying to walk towards the stairs. But she stretched her hand out in front of me, stopping me.

"About three days."

"What? Three days? We're just gonna do nothing for three days? He's in pain."

Which I also felt to some level deep down in my gut. It was an unsettling feeling. I hated the fact that he was hurting this much.

"Adriane, you have to understand, there's nothing else we can do."


I don't know exactly were it came from, but suddenly adrenaline spiked my system and I rushed past her and headed towards the stairs.

I needed to see things myself.

"Adriane, stop, come back!" She called from behind me, but I refused to listen.

There was something else driving me.

I just had to see him.

I got to the bottom of the stairs pretty quickly actually and luckily Latifah was not following me.

I could feel a door at the bottom of the stairs and I tried feeling around for a door handle. I finally found a knob and I turned it and walked through the door.

The moment I entered what seemed to be a large dim lit hallway a strange but familiar stuffy scent hit my nostrils.


This was a dungeon.

I had absolutely no idea where to go, I was probably going to get lost.

The screams which had considerably gotten a bit quieter were coming from the far end of the hall to my right.

I cautiously followed the sounds.

There was no way I could follow any scent down here, my nose was messed up.

I got to the end of the hall and saw that there was a 'T' junction so I took left, because that's were the sound was coming from.

I turned and further ahead I could see another door with a considerable amount of light shinning from under it.

I slowly walked up to the door, my heart beating a frantic rhythm.
Suddenly all the adrenaline I had before left my system.

Wearily, I pushed the door open.

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