Chapter One

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A/N: Hi everyone. So here's the deal, none of the Beatles will be married or have a girlfriend. I know it isn't historically accurate, but otherwise the story wouldn't work. I think you see where I'm going here. Alright, now, to the story.

I woke up to four curious heads looking down at me. My vision was slightly blurry, but I could tell that they all had the same hair style, but their facial features and eyes were different. One with dark eyes stared at me with a scowl. Where did I recognize him from?

The room was a recording studio. It had an older, funky look to it, with vinyl records on the walls of artists that I had never heard of. 

I definitely wasn't in Minnesota anymore. Was I even in the same country?

One of the records had the year 1946 on it. Was I in the same time?

"Are you alright?" One asked, with a thick British accent.

"Well, of course, she isn't." One said, with a 'Duh' look on his face. "She just appeared out of nowhere."

Ok, I definitely wasn't in my room. Was I in Great Britain?

The boy with kind brown eyes offered me a hand. Brushing myself off, I decided to test my theory. "What year is it?"

All of them looked at me as if I had asked if the moon was round. But the one said politely, "It's 1963, of course." He stuck out his hand. "I'm Paul. Paul McCartney."

All of the boys tried to hide the smirk on their faces, as if his name was an inside joke.

1963? Paul McCartney?

The last thing was sitting on my bed, trying to block out the sounds of my parents screaming at each other by listening to the Beatles on my iPod...

Oh. My. God.

How could I be so incredibly stupid?

All of their faces suddenly had names. This was suddenly so surreal.

"You're...the Beatles." I said, my pulse quickening. I looked at John and George. "But you're dead."

"What?" John said.

"Never mind."

I started pacing, leaving the boys thoroughly confused. "Ok. There's a perfectly good, logical explanation," I began. "I could have fainted. I could be hallucinating. I could be sleeping."

As if on cue, Ringo leaned over and pinched my arm.


"Sorry. Just wanted to ensure you that you were awake." He gave a mischievous grin.

"So, Yank," John smirked. "Do you have a name?"

For some reason, this question made me blush. "My name is...Elle Sullivan."

"Elle? What kind of name is that?" Ringo blurted. I looked at the floor.

:Paul shot him a look. "Well...we're going to try and find a way to get you back home." His brown eyes were full of concern as he gazed at me. John just continued to stare. Ringo and George looked very confused. "We probably shouldn't stay here, though, right, lads?"

John nodded in agreement, meanwhile George and Ringo gave a resounding, "Yes!"

Paul smiled. "Well, then. Let's head by the flat to figure this out."

I'm sorry that it's a bit strange, but I'm the next chapter will come soon. 



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